I graffiti a building in towns I have no gift for. For me, it's a message:"sorry, but I got nuthin' today."
I'm trying to PM my friends who don't already know me, (in any other situation that would be an oxymoron...) to let them know this is why they might see a graffiti. It won't always work, but I figure it's what makes me feel better, plus those are few and far between. Most on my list are old comrades who know I have a history of good intentions. It is VERY frustrating that in my main town, I continue together so few bags to distribute. Today, I FINALLY topped 20 ... For 62 friends. So one-per friend ain't gonna happen.
I'm fine with cards! Waaaay ahead. Already have my raccoon, so if someone is in my spot, I HOPE they don't waste a bag on me. It won't make a whit of difference to my score, since all I need for my prizes is CARDS. It's like giving a gift certificate to Bill Gates. I'm not being magnanimous. I'm already over what I'll need.