Forum Discussion

FeeJay1111's avatar
9 years ago

Gingerbread House Glitch

Not sure if you noticed this, or if you had already completed both and are still getting prompted, but for me, Ned's task had to be done twice. I missed it myself when I had completed it the first time, but when I went in to the gingerbread house menu, it said "1/2 done."

  • Yes, I noticed. I'd completed them and all the subsequent tasks to complete the level. What I shoulda got was a load of Santa hats and the last level opening up. I'm too far away from enough hats for the last prize. Unlike my poor husband.
  • Starman_thc wrote:
    Not sure if you noticed this, or if you had already completed both and are still getting prompted, but for me, Ned's task had to be done twice. I missed it myself when I had completed it the first time, but when I went in to the gingerbread house menu, it said "1/2 done."

    I'm pretty sure it made me do it three times.