Forum Discussion

mikepellerin60's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
9 years ago


It may be that your neighbors are tapping bears for the first 15 neighbors to get the pacifiers, and then switching to tapping buildings once the pacifiers run out. It helps you out a bit, leaves the handshake, and may be easier than hunting for bears.
  • this is happening to me as well....and I'm confused why......i think i must be missing out on something???? :shock:
  • it's okay. it may be them accidentally tapping on buildings while aiming for bears or they reached the friends action limit for bears/pacifiers.

    if i'm not wrong, tapping bears brings no extra rewards to neighbors, but vandalising their buildings gives them the usual 1 FP when they clean up.

    hence i always tap neighbors buildings after reaching the bears/pacifiers limit, i earn the same XP/FP/$ (sans pacifier) anyway.
  • I stop getting pacifiers after my C neighbors. For me it is easier to tap the first thing i see rather than hunt bears. I really enjoyed my friend visits reduced by 20 minutes tonight. I'm leaving my houses untapped for neighbors if they like but i am collecting all other buildings because i always need more money.
  • Just like the person above as soon as I have collected the maximum amount of pacifiers from the bears I then move on to tapping buildings as it's much quicker to tap them than search through the town for 3 bears.
  • In my case, once I've received all the pacifiers I can, I'll tap buildings so that my neighbours get a little something out of it too. You're welcome! :lol:
  • I'm glad someone mentioned this as I didn't know what to do. I like events as I can clear buildings completely so I now keep forgetting to leave buildings to tap.

    I have found on a couple of occasions that some SFs have been so full of buildings to tap that I've found it impossible to tap bears without tapping buildings. I've tapped some buildings when going for bears and, it seems from what I read here, that I've lost out with those taps.

    I wish there was a way for neighbours to let us know if they want buildings tapped and they need the $$$.
  • Their position in the alphabet is irrelevant in this case. It's YOUR position that matters. I have a feeling the As, Bs, Cs, and Ds aren't getting many handshakes these days.

  • FeeJay1111 wrote:
    I'm glad someone mentioned this as I didn't know what to do. I like events as I can clear buildings completely so I now keep forgetting to leave buildings to tap.

    I have found on a couple of occasions that some SFs have been so full of buildings to tap that I've found it impossible to tap bears without tapping buildings. I've tapped some buildings when going for bears and, it seems from what I read here, that I've lost out with those taps.

    I'd clear buildings in the middle of my town and leave the buildings on the edges/periphery/away from the landing zone for tapping.
    That way your friends won't have a hard time tapping bears and the ones who already have their friend pacifiers for the day can tap buildings.

    FeeJay1111 wrote:

    I wish there was a way for neighbours to let us know if they want buildings tapped and they need the $$$.

    Why wouldn't they want you to tap them?