Forum Discussion

orionsbell's avatar
11 years ago

Historic Mistake

orionsbell wrote:
On the task "Make Republicans Attend the Fireworks Support Rally" you can't send Lincoln.

FYI - Lincoln was the first candidate to run under the newly-formed Republican Party.

He probably left the party once he was time warped to Present day Springfield.
  • jraffa50 wrote:
    Maybe Abe took a look at the Republican party as it stands now and said "wait a minute, what happened here?"

    That's what I said in the 80's.
  • orionsbell wrote:
    On the task "Make Republicans Attend the Fireworks Support Rally" you can't send Lincoln.

    FYI - Lincoln was the first candidate to run under the newly-formed Republican Party.

    Yeah, but by todays standards he'd be a democrat, or at the very least not a republican.
  • richardaca969 wrote:
    orionsbell wrote:
    On the task "Make Republicans Attend the Fireworks Support Rally" you can't send Lincoln.

    FYI - Lincoln was the first candidate to run under the newly-formed Republican Party.

    Yeah, but by todays standards he'd be a democrat, or at the very least not a republican.
    It's fair to say any president from that time period would do a spit take if we told them our annual deficit. I doubt they'd want anything to do with either of them.

    Heck, had he known the mess we'd make of things, he might even have adopted those clauses from the Confederate constitution; the one insisting that bills submitted to Congress each pertain to a single subject clearly expressed in their titles, and the one where an exact dollar amount would be allocated in a bill which could be spent. None of this "let's pass it to find out what's in it," thousand-page bill, trillion-dollar slush fund nonsense.

    Not everything the Rebs wanted pertained to slavery. :wink:
  • I don't think referee is necessary yet

    This is a very good historical discussion

    We need to remember that Lincoln Republicans were liberals in their time
  • People need to actually read the history of what he did and what he believed in before jumping to conclusions. The core beliefs of the party that he helped establish and put into place within the part while President are still there- he is and always will be a REPUBLICAN :roll:

    The religious-focused crap that is associated with the party today and that spark all the major debates was brought in well AFTER his time. :roll: