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3 years ago

Holiday Whodunnit: No Business Like Snow Business Walkthrough

No Business Like Snow Business Pt. 1

Auto starts

Marge: Now what do we do? We have no evidence, and no suspects.
Wiggum: I have one. *furrows brow* Mr. Snake Jailbird.
Lisa: You're just profiling him for all his crimes in the past...
Wiggum: What about...Hank Scorpio?
Lisa: I don't know, he's on the run in Belize. Plus, he's a crypto billionaire now — why would he do this?
Wiggum: Fat Tony?
Lisa: Fat Tony loves all things Christmas. He hands out turkeys from his trucks. It's his favorite holiday.
Herb Tannenbaum: Well, while we think of other people to point fingers at, I could go for a bite to eat.
Lisa: I know of a few good vegetarian places.
Herb Tannenbaum: How about Krusty Burger? I'm in the mood for a nice beefy burger.
Lisa: You…eat meat?
Herb Tannenbaum: Living off chlorophyll sucks — it doesn't even scratch the surface of the food pyramid. I mean, what category would you put "sun" in anyway?
Lisa: You're a weird tree, Herb.
Herb Tannenbaum: So, burgers?
Lisa: Sure, they have a good meatless burger now!
Marge: Let's do it!

Task: Collect Magnifying Glasses
Task: Answer Christmas Trivia
Task: Make Lisa Go to Krusty Burger
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
If the user has Herb Tannenbaum: Task: Make Herb Tannenbaum Go to Krusty Burger
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
If the user has Marge: Task: Make Marge Go to Krusty Burger
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes

Krusty: Get those decorations up! I need Krusty Burger decked out in full Christmas style!
Lisa: Krusty, aren't you Jewish?
Krusty: Christmas decorations are how you make money. Take a business class, kid.
Mary Tannenbaum: Excuse me, are you the little girl who's investigating the attack on Santa?
Herb Tannenbaum: Am I invisible? Does no one see me here?
Lisa: Yes, that's me. I'm Lisa Simpson.
Mary Tannenbaum: Excellent, you stand right there while I film some B-roll.
Marge: Why are you filming my daughter? Don't we need to sign something first?
Mary Tannenbaum: Are you the mother?
Marge: Well, yes.
Mary Tannenbaum: Even better! A mother-daughter crime-solving duo! That's perfect!
Lisa: Perfect for what?
Mary Tannenbaum: My true crime TV show!
Lisa: Whoa...that's so cool! Did your show start out as a podcast?
Mary Tannenbaum: It's the only way to get on TV these days.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

No Business Like Snow Business Pt. 2

Auto starts

Mary Tannenbaum: So, welcome to my true crime show I'm making about this whole Santa attack mystery. It's like the movies I make for Heartmark but not romantic and cheesy, and much more gruesome.
Marge: Oh, you work for Heartmark? That's my favorite channel!
Mary Tannenbaum: I should introduce myself. Mary Tannenbaum: Heartmark Senior Vice President of Romantic Mystery Content and Executive of the Pumpkin Spice Murder Division.
Marge: Oh, well I'm Marge. Senior...mother of three beautiful children.
Mary Tannenbaum: Three children? You look incredible!
Lisa: So, you're making a true crime show?
Mary Tannenbaum: That's the plan. And you and your mother would be a large part of my vision. You could help piece together the clues, film reenactments...
Mary Tannenbaum: I'll just need you to sign this five hundred and twenty-four page stack of standard release forms.
Herb Tannenbaum: And what part will I play in your film, as someone who was also attacked alongside Santa?
Mary Tannenbaum: Probably insignificant. It's obvious Santa was the main target. And our focus groups don't respond well to sentient arboreal beings in lead roles.
Herb Tannenbaum: Really?
Mary Tannenbaum: It's been heavily researched.
Lisa: Well, our primary suspect's alibi just checked out, so I was thinking we'd head up to Mt. Useful to interview suspects taking part in the sleigh race. Just by racing in the race shows clear motive.
Mary Tannenbaum: Can I tag along if you don't mind?
Herb Tannenbaum: Do I at least get a Producer credit?
Mary Tannenbaum: Nope.
Herb Tannenbaum: What about a "special thanks"?!
Mary Tannenbaum: Have your people talk to my people.

Task: Collect Magnifying Glasses
Task: Answer Christmas Trivia
Task: Make Marge Read the Contract
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Lisa Dream of Stardom
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Herb Tannenbaum Negotiate a "Special Thanks" Credit
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
If the user has Mary Tannenbaum: Task: Make Mary Tannenbaum Film B-Roll
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes

Mary Tannenbaum: I want you guys to listen to my crime podcast called "He Probably Did it but Not Sure Yet" to get a sense of how the show will work.
Marge: Sure! I love crime podcasts!
Mary Tannenbaum: Well, I'm doing a little meet-and-greet with other crime podcasters to announce our new show.
Marge: Oooh, I've always wanted to go to a fancy convention. Can I wear a nice dress?
Mary Tannenbaum: Of course. See you there.
Lisa: This is so exciting, Watson.
Marge: Can't we just drop the Sherlock stuff since we're about to both become crime TV sensations?
Beatrice: Hey! Someone stole my salad and I wasn't finished with it!
Mary Tannenbaum: Quick! Start recording! A theft at a crime podcast convention! This is perfect!
Mary Tannenbaum: How did you feel when you first noticed your salad was stolen? And had the salad been dressed?
Beatrice: I had just added the dressing before it was taken.
Mary Tannenbaum: A cold night in December, a missing plate, an empty seat... I'm going to title this podcast "Gone, Bibb-y, Gone" or "Kaleknapped: The Story of the Missing Salad".
Lisa: What about "The Golden State Kale-r"?

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

No Business Like Snow Business Pt. 3

Auto starts

Krusty: Whaddya want, kid? I'm off the clock. Autographs are twenty bucks. And no, I will not draw something on you so you can get it tattooed...unless you pay me sixty bucks.
Lisa: I just wanted to ask you about your whereabouts on the night Santa was attacked.
Krusty: Whoa, you trying to jam Krusty up on camera? Get that thing outta my face!
Mary Tannenbaum: *filming* We're just making a film about the attack on Santa. *pushes in close* If you're innocent then you have nothing to worry about.
Krusty: Jeez, I was working on my holiday special all night when the fatso got attacked. You happy?
Marge: Prove it!
Mary Tannenbaum: Ooh, Marge. I love it. Bring the fire. *pans the camera dramatically*

Task: Collect Magnifying Glasses
Task: Answer Christmas Trivia
Task: Make Krusty Call His Lawyer
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Lisa Question Krusty
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
If the user has Mary Tannenbaum: Task: Make Mary Tannenbaum Get Dramatic Interrogation Footage
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Marge Consider Waterboarding
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Herb Tannenbaum Try to Get on Camera
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger or Homes

Marge: Alright. Your alibi checks out.
Marge: For now…
Krusty: I told you! Also, what'd you think of the rough cut of my special? Should I keep or take out all the insensitive jokes?
Marge: You already know the answer to that.
Krusty: I really don't. That was genuine. Anyway, can I go?
Marge: For now…

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

No Business Like Snow Business Pt. 4

Auto starts

Homer: Lisa? Marge? Strange woman with a camera crew? What are you doing up here at Mt. Useful? Are you coming to cheer me on?!
Lisa: We ran out of leads in the Santa case, so thought we'd come question people doing the sleigh race. They all have a motive, as you know.
Mary Tannenbaum: And I'm filming it for cable TV. *whip pans camera to Bart's reaction*
Bart: I'm confused, so are you a producer, TV executive, writer, director, or camera operator?
Mary Tannenbaum: We make so many Heartmark movies a year that you end up doing a little of everything.
Mary Tannenbaum: Last year I was a teamster building sets and then replaced Debra Messing for the lead role in a movie after "Will and Grace" got rebooted for the third time.
Homer: Well, this is fun! The whole family is here! Me and Bart will be out there snowmobiling if you need us.
Lisa: Actually, Dad. Where were you on the night of Santa's attack?
Homer: Wait, waaaaaaaaaaaa??!!

Task: Collect Magnifying Glasses
Task: Answer Christmas Trivia
Task: Make Lisa Question Her Own Father
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes
If the user has Mary Tannenbaum: Task: Make Mary Tannenbaum Get Reaction Shots
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes
Task: Make Marge Interview Other Racers
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes

Homer: Sorry, what was your name again?
Mary Tannenbaum: Mary Tannenbaum.
Homer: Right. And you're Herb Tannenbaum?
Herb Tannenbaum: Nice to meet ya.
Homer: And you two AREN'T related?
Mary Tannenbaum: *looking at Herb* He's a tree…
Homer: It just doesn't make sense. Same last name — heavily featured in the plot of this update. Are you married to each other?
Mary Tannenbaum: Nope!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

No Business Like Snow Business Pt. 5

Auto starts

Wiggum: Ah, I'm here to sign up for the sleigh race.
Park Ranger: Sure, just fill out the sheet here, and make sure to list the details on what sort of sleigh power you'll be using, as we have some strict rules.
Wiggum: My little chariot runs on police-issued pepper spray.
Park Ranger: Okay, so it's fueled entirely by pepper spray.
Wiggum: I also have a few prisoners Rudolphing the sleigh in exchange for decreased jail time.
Park Ranger: That seems illegal.
Wiggum: Well, they committed crimes. So yes, it would be illegal in that sense.
Marge: Chief Wiggum? You're joining the sleigh race? What about the investigation!?
Wiggum: Oh, that? I solved Santa's whole attack thing already. It was like Murder on the Orient Express — his reindeer teamed up and did it.
Lisa: That's the worst investigating of all time.
Wiggum: *chuckles* I was just kidding! It wasn't a bunch of reindeer — it was Snake.
Lisa: Again with Snake? You can't just place blame on someone because they've committed almost every other crime in the city's history.
Wiggum: I'm not. I'm placing blame on him because he works at the Bag a Reindeer Hunting Range where the crime took place.
Lisa: Wait, what?
Wiggum: Case…a-closed. I win cop of the year. Now to win this sleigh race!

Task: Collect Magnifying Glasses
Task: Answer Christmas Trivia
Task: Make Lisa Be Amazed That Wiggum Did Police Work
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes
Task: Make Wiggum Fail to Provide Any More Evidence
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes
Task: Make Marge Be Certain Snake is the Culprit
Time: 4h
Location: Mt. Useful, Mountain Lodge, Sugarloaf Mountain, Homer's Snowmobile, Homerlayas or Homes

Marge: Snake…Jailbird.
Santa Snake: Marge…Simpson.
Homer: Homer…Simpson.
Marge: Homer? What are you doing here?
Homer: I saw you run off all of a sudden toward Santa's Village. I was just wondering what's going on, thought I'd follow. Crap, I forgot Bart at Mt. Useful. Gotta go! *runs off*
Marge: Now, where were we?
Santa Snake: Saying each other's names, slowly, apparently.
Marge: So you work here at Bag a Reindeer Hunting Range. Did you work the night of the attack on Santa?
Santa Snake: I did. Bagged more that night than ever before. But I was already off when the attack happened.
Santa Snake: I headed from work to Moe's at 9:37pm for a beer. Then stopped at Kwik-E-Mart for a quick robbing at 10:20pm. Then home and into bed promptly at 10:45pm to watch my baking show.
Lisa: That's a very specific timeline. Almost as if…you'd practiced it.
Santa Snake: Or…I've been through this many times before and I've learned to cover my own butt any time someone gets clubbed in the back of the head.
Marge: Well now. Isn't that interesting. I don't believe the reports ever released the information that Santa was hit in the back of the head.
Santa Snake: They did, actually. But good try. It would've been really cool if that had been true though.
Lisa: Yeah, Mom. They did actually say that.
Marge: Alright, well we're still gonna check your alibi!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
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