Forum Discussion

2 years ago

Homer and Santa's Sleigh

hello, just looking for some help/clarification on homer driving santas sleigh. i have all my "sleighs" together. obviously cat lady has hers, side show mel, cowboy billionaire and so on. the issue is, is that i have santa homer and i can send him to drive santas sleigh, but i cannot find the sleigh. i dont remember if there is one, or it just appears when hes sent on the task. any info or clarification on this is greatly appreciated. and for some reason if there is a sleigh for santa, any idea on how to find it, other than just looking harder? ty
  • bluntcard's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    He has no sleigh. Just send him on his task and is appears.
  • ty for setting me straight. i thought for some reason i misplaced (lost) the sleigh and it was going to take days to find it. i appreciate the answer. really, ty for your kindness. take care
  • wow I also was unaware it just appears and there's no sleigh to match. Thanks for bringing this to my attention also!