Forum Discussion

danbecker75's avatar
11 years ago

homer's conflicting task

I did the same thing on one of my towns which is a freemium town so not donuts used to speed things up and being you cant store the toy store or the simpsons house basically screwed and possibly losing out on tunnel 4 prize, my other two towns thankfully i did right :lol:
  • This is going to happen to everyone today. Just wait and do the tunnel task tomorrow. The timer doesn't start until you actually start the task.
  • It's annoying, but the timer doesn't start till you start on the first task, so you should be fine.
  • Lisa's going to have the same issue too.

    Between main questlline, tunnel tasks, and King Winter (if you get him), you'll need to plan accordingly and keep all characters free until all tasks come in before assigning them.
  • The only thing that matters is that it will be one extra day that I don't have another elf house to make more presents.
    I will do tunnel 4 tomorrow. Not a big deal. Just kinda sucks because as the event is starting I just want to get stuff.
  • I lucked out and sent Homer on his tunnel task first. But yeah, these 24-hour tasks happening concurrently with the event are kind of a pain.
  • I was looking for help on this as well. Since it seems like only tunnel 4 is open today and the tasks are really easy ( two 2 hr tasks and a 4 hr I believe) I had Homer do his workshop task first at one this morning then his 24 hr task at three. Seems like it's going to work well for me, but I did it really soon after midnight. Might be better to do the longer task first since they only opened the one tunnel today.
  • Yup. Same here. Homer has 13 hours left on that 24 hour job. I'll have to decide if it's better to start him on the tunnel quest at 8pm tonight or wait and do two tunnels tomorrow.
  • I did the same...makes me wonder if EA is doing that on purpose to slow us up and make the event last longer so there aren't so many people saying, "I'm borrrrrreeedddddd.... there's nothing to do and I wish this event was over already!"

    Remember that from the last couple of events? :roll:

    My Homer is not done til shortly after midnight tonight but I'm not too annoyed so long as the clock is not ticking on the bonus prize.