Except for the purple house, once the cost is maxed out the ROI time for perfect collection is the same:
(these numbers assume no bonus)
Orange: 180000 cash/250 cash/cycle = 720 cycles. 720 cycles x 16 hours/cycle = 11520 hrs = 480 days
White: 192000 cash/200 cash/cycle = 960 cycles. 960 cycles x 12 hours/cycle = 11520 hrs = 480 days
Blue: 216000 cash/150 cach/cycle = 1440 cycles. 1440 cycles x 8 hours/cycle = 11520 hrs = 480 days
Pink: 230400 cash/120 cash/cycle = 1920 cycles. 1920 cycles x 6 hours/cycle = 11520 hrs = 480 days
Purple: 216000 cash/75 cash/cycle = 2880 cycles. 2880 cycles x 3 hours/cycle = 8640 hrs = 360 days
So purple will pay for itself 33% faster, but that's only if you're able to collect more regularly. The higher house types will pay off at the same overall rate, but that assumes perfect collection.
Brown is a little different because of the very short cycle:
Brown: 17300 cash/6 cash/cycle = 2884 cycles (rounded up). (2884 cycles x 5 min/cycle) / 60 mins/hr = 240.33 hrs = ~10 days
A brown house will pay itself off in about 10 days, but only if you're on there tapping every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day.