Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
9 years ago

I declare shenanigans

And the message is...

Whale oil beef hooked
  • Off topic, OP/neighboorino, everytime I see Roscoe dancing in my town, I think -- there is abearsanta because of your avatar. I wonder how many of your other neighboorinos feel like "you" live in their town!

    But yeah, on topic is that I always try very hard to find an open area to drop presents in. Those elves last year were amazing at cleaning up the hidden gifts! I must have 4 hidden gifts because before they increased the gifts to 10, I was only receiving a max of 1 gift at a time. I tried x-raying my town a few times, but no luck! It would be fun to know where they are.
  • wadebear wrote:
    I stopped tapping my Presents yesterday and let them build up to see if I could actually get all 10 in my towns.

    I tried dropping Presents in my town today and came up 1 short in my A town and 3 in my B town.

    I finally tracked down the missing Present in town A - behind the Homertron. Couldn't even see it with the Homertron hidden.

    In my B town I found one of the 3 missing Presents mixed in with the Jack o'lanterns in my Halloween area, but there are two I still can't find. And I didn't just hide the buildings and look around - I MOVED them. I moved every building and decoration in my town and looked behind them and I still can't find those last 2 Presents. I even moved small stuff they couldn't possibly be behind just in case.

    I have really no "B" town but just started one... although I feel your pain the game is glitched for certain platforms no doubt.
  • I've had the same problem for over a week. 2 presents simply can't be found, no matter how hard I look.

    Learning to live with it, can't search any more, just can't!
  • wildminion wrote:
    I've had the same problem for over a week. 2 presents simply can't be found, no matter how hard I look.

    Learning to live with it, can't search any more, just can't!

    I remember this problem from Whacking Day too. I remember just randomly tapping my forest area, and other areas that are mostly decorations, until I found the missing "present".
  • I found three earlier today unexpectedly while tapping buildings to collect rent, and presents were hidden behind them. This happened again later, uncovering three more. All this time I thought my neighbors were skipping me.
  • Similar issue, different circumstances. I deleted a friend who was purposefully hiding presents and yet I continue to receive notifications they are still sending. Not sure how I can still be in their friend list..? Still looking for 3.
  • Brabsel wrote:
    I finally got one of each craftable and decided to not care about the presents anymore. I really hope they will not do anything like this again....

    Oh I'm not worried for myself. I've got Bows running out my ears from all my Nice neighbors (4.6 k left after crafting everything that calls for them). I'm actually considering dropping my next 10 Presents in my own town and not tapping them - which would force everyone to drop their Presents in other towns where people need them more.

    It's all the other people who can't find their Presents that concerns me. This has got to be a glitch.
  • sogr8ful400 wrote:
    Clearly the only acceptable thing to do is to nuke your town!

    I considered it. But then I thought, "If I'm gonna have to place everything it would be easier just to move them by hand... Oh, I don't have to move them to another spot, just move them out of the way... The I can cancel the move and they'll go back where they were after I look behind them."