Forum Discussion

Fulgorth's avatar
2 years ago

I need changelogs of minor updates

Hi there, I am Fulgorth founder and main author of the German Wiki for the game at

We experiance severall small gamechanges between the big Updates and we would love to have official info about those changes. Can you provide us with the info?

Just as an example for what I mean:

In the actual Event The main task to get Dices was located at the Android's Dungeon for the first days of the Event. Now (we consider it must be a yesterdays change, 10th February 2023) the task ist to be made at the Brown House instead.

Can you provide us (or can you give me a location) with the info about these small changelogs, bugfixes and adjustments? I know there must be technical changelogs and I don't need them to be pretty or cleaned up. Technical text-ducument based data is absolutely enough for me. Of course these changelogs might be exremely helpful for the big updates as well!

I do not need the changelogs in daily actuality if this makes problems in regards to competition with other studios but I was a little disappointed that the help center was not able to help me about this issue at all.

Great to hear from you
BR Fulgorth
  • The Collect Dice task, except for Melric, can be Androids Dungeon, Coolsville or a Brown House - different players see it pick different locations so maybe your game fancied a change ?!!
  • well then I tried it several times during the first two days of the event and had Androids Dungeon only. since that change (for me it was in the middle of an act - act 3 - so there should be no change normally... ) it changed from sending my characters to androids dungeon to the brown house... another player had act 1 running in that situation and had his characters beeing sent to androids dungeon as well and after that his characters had to do the task at brown house as well... For me that sounded like too much coincidence...

    But if you tell me that the quest can vary from player to player, that is very interesting... never heard of such a situation before??

    @11EEvey I contacted support and they told me that EA officials would answer my question here... I told them that I don't believe so but well... believe is what we need no? ^^
  • Thanks @4junk3000

    in regards to 1.: For me the brown house (after what I believe was a change) was not just eligable but when storing all brown houses tasks were not possible to do. No Androids Dungeon no Coolsville allowed me to send any of the 8 Characters for that job to.

    But well why is EA so weird about their changelogs? No other studio cares...
  • There are only players here, no one from EA. EA does not formally publish change logs. Usually there are several buildings the characters can go to and it can change with each part. In my town they go to coolsville for the currency and the high school for any other task. the person that used to dive into the code and used to do changelogs is no longer online. changes are made with automatic patches and there has not been any that I know of in this event so far.
  • "Fulgorth;c-2227265" wrote:
    well then I tried it several times during the first two days of the event and had Androids Dungeon only. since that change (for me it was in the middle of an act - act 3 - so there should be no change normally... ) it changed from sending my characters to androids dungeon to the brown house... another player had act 1 running in that situation and had his characters beeing sent to androids dungeon as well and after that his characters had to do the task at brown house as well... For me that sounded like too much coincidence...

    But if you tell me that the quest can vary from player to player, that is very interesting... never heard of such a situation before??

    @11EEvey I contacted support and they told me that EA officials would answer my question here... I told them that I don't believe so but well... believe is what we need no? ^^

    1. It's entirely possible they added brown houses to the list of eligible buildings, after the event started.
    2. It's possible your game was subject to something different than others here, based on your device type or region, etc
    3. There is no one here who knows much more than you. When anyone refers you here, it's cuz they dont know any more about it, and want to defer you elsewhere.
    4. EA does many things on the fly without our knowledge. Not all requires a patch download. They communicate very little to us. It IS frustrating
    5. Keep calm and tap on!
  • Mine are all at Coolsville in both towns and when asked by another player elsewhere theirs were all at Androids Dungeon. If it isn't giving you those options try storing those then going to the Friends Towns bit and back before re-placing them.