Forum Discussion

nibs22932's avatar
11 years ago

Inactive Neighbors

You are a lot nicer than I am. I had never deleted any of my friends before this update, but once it was costing me friend points, I did a big purge. Now if I find nothing to tap in a couple of days, I delete the person. It is so easy to get friends that I don't feel too bad. The only exception is new players, because they have so little to tap but I have found that I can usually get them on one of my trips through my friends list.
  • neuroheart wrote:
    WolfyDiesel wrote:
    I have the opposite problem. I feel like visiting overly active players has too many spoilers (i.e., someone got Stampy before I did and now I miss out on the surprise of what Stampy looks like.)


    We all know what Stampy looks like already because he's from the show.

    And he's in the character collections which he definitely had to have seen if he has Snowball II as they are in the same category
  • abc1177947165 wrote:
    everyone here is nicer than me, if I cant tap anything and they are 1 day inactive or more they are gone. I usually get more request that I can handle for new neighbors so I usually always have somebody to replace them once i remove them.

    Yup, I'm with you. Sometimes I go days without finding something tap even if the player is active! I make mental notes of the names of people I have to skip and constantly try to re-visit. If I still can't tap the next day or two I delete 'em. I have 11 pending friend requests I keep trying to catch up on. I feel kind of bad, but it isn't hard to come by friends.

    Plus I'd rather have forum peeps anyways!
  • I delete people if I go into their town and don't have anything to tap on and they haven't logged in for over a day. I want daily players so I can earn points.
  • I've got rid of about 16 neighbours over the last few weeks mainly because they don't visit me. I did put a letter in front of my name to take me up the list but I soon went back to my original screen name after a week as it didn't feel right and it really was stupid thing to do someone did delete me for doing it -couldn't blame them. I visit daily and like my neighbours to do the same and it does seem better if you get neighbours from the forum. The only thing with me which may drive some of my neighbours nuts is that I can't always do the same time due to my work.
  • I have about ten neighbor s that haven't been on in about 10 days. I think it's time to dump and reload. It gets frustrating when I'm on multiple times throughout the day.
  • Is "hiding" a neighboeeno the same as deleting them? If not, how does one delete a friend? And I'm glad someone else mentioned etiquette - it bugs me when my friends visit and make no attempt to graffiti a building so that we both get Friend Points. I just had one friend visit and tap the building right next to Springfield Elementary, which was ungraffitied at the time. Thanks. (Note sarcasm.)
  • I give two weeks also for inactive neighbors myself ,as there are to many people looking that will help
  • I currently can't play due to IOS 7.1 so until EA issues a fix for the app I'm inactive in all 3 of my towns
  • My friends I dont delete without their knowledge.

    As for all the strangers I'm down to 48hours, and its lightened my visiting load nicely. I'm not even bothering to replace them.
  • I had a little system going that made it easy for me to decide when it was time to delete someone. If I went to their town and they had nothing to tap, I would check to see when they last played. If it was 2 days, I hid them. I would then go back daily and check it again. When they got to 5 days, I would delete them and add the next one on my pending list. I've quit doing that now. They still get hid at 2 days, but with people having the iPhone 4 issue, and others having their towns messed with, I'm not going to delete someone without knowing what's going on with them. I figure just wait until the issues get fixed and then see what's going on. I know I wouldn't want someone deleting me over something that was out of my hands.

    As for getting upset because someone tapped a building that was beside one that could be graffitied, that could easily have happened by accident. I've been experiencing huge lags in a lot of the towns I go into and it causes me to tap on things when I'm actually trying to scroll around. I only seem to get the lag when there are a lot of characters exiting one building. But it still makes me feel like crap when I end up tapping the Simpsons house when I could have spray painted the school :?

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