Forum Discussion

empathy77's avatar
11 years ago

Its the Final Countdown!

True that. And also some rest for my sore fingers (I must get lotsa donuts!).

And hey, I remember that song. :)
  • jhmaccp3 wrote:
    Thanksgiving update?

    maybe but last time there was no event just those balloons
  • I wouldn't be surprised if EA kept it dark until early December and changed it to snow. If that does happen we won't be seeing our towns bright till late January/early February if it is like that last Christmas event.
  • I have a feeling when the ghosts are gone so will be the darkness :twisted:
  • Hope we do get those thanksgiving day balloons again, I missed out last time I got tapped out just after thanksgiving :(
  • jacko_9997 wrote:
    Hope we do get those thanksgiving day balloons again, I missed out last time I got tapped out just after thanksgiving :(

    those balloons pissed me off
    when they were first released they were all for cash and i put off buying the most expensive one because i was in game poor back then and saving up for something i am sure. then within a couple minutes the price of 2 of the balloons changed from cash to donuts.

    sucks because i could have got them all without spending a donut
  • firesoul19 wrote:
    HillyBillyOli wrote:
    I wouldn't be surprised if EA kept it dark until early December and changed it to snow. If that does happen we won't be seeing our towns bright till late January/early February if it is like that last Christmas event.

    That's what I was thinking. Also, I would find it strange if they gave all our trees their green leaves back in the middle of the fall. Actually I would've preferred if they changed all the trees to autumn colors red/orange/yellow. That would've been cool, then have them shed their leaves for winter.

    Agreed, it would be odd to go back to bright, sunny Springfield now! I've been enjoying the leaves flying about, and the twilit town now that the sun goes down so much sooner. Feels appropriate. :)
  • firesoul19 wrote:
    HillyBillyOli wrote:
    I wouldn't be surprised if EA kept it dark until early December and changed it to snow. If that does happen we won't be seeing our towns bright till late January/early February if it is like that last Christmas event.

    That's what I was thinking. Also, I would find it strange if they gave all our trees their green leaves back in the middle of the fall. Actually I would've preferred if they changed all the trees to autumn colors red/orange/yellow. That would've been cool, then have them shed their leaves for winter.

    I wouldn't mind if they would flaunt the rules of nature for just a brief time and bring back the green trees so I know which ones i will want when spring comes along. Maybe just a week ... I'm getting new buildings and trying to design a Central Park for my landing zone and landscape some of my neighborhoods, and don't have any idea what it will look like when color returns.

    It's not THAT far-fetched to have green for a bit. Nature is whacky these days. ... I'm in Southern California -- not in one of the high-altitude areas, either -- and we had an inch of HAIL on our lawn on August 4th this year. Before this, I'd seen snow in this town twice in sixty years. As I recall, neither of those occurred in August. (Rolls eyes.)

    So green trees in November. Please?

    Just sayin'