Forum Discussion

1977mjw's avatar
12 years ago

Karma restored...

Aww I'm sorry that happened to you. A massive pat on the back for going for it again, I don't think I'd have the patience!
Kent will be a great addition to your town. And you'll love him even more, knowing the hassle you've been through to get him! :D
  • Congratulations on returning to where you were. I just hope another update doesn't come along and reset you again. :)

    I would be heartbroken if I were reset to level 1. I've put in a lot of time, effort and actual $$ buying items for my town. If I were reset, I would raise a fuss because I certainly shouldn't have to repurchase all of those items (especially the premium ones). Plus, it would be very sad to lose out on all limited time items, like Fat Tony, the Fancy Brown House, some Halloween and Christmas items (and now Valentine's).

    I hope your situation is rare and not the norm. If so, it begs the question - why can't we also back up our game to our computers? This way, if there is a crash of some sort on EA's servers, our games are still secure elsewhere.
  • I guess it is somewhat helpful to have screenshots of your town that you keep somewhat up to date to be all "I want all this back!"
  • Thanks all, feels good and im happy with my new Springfield. a handy donut glitch bought me Kearney, SVT and Butterfly man :) Pretty sure the iPhone would go against the wall if it happens again! Hopefully I was just unlucky but its bad they seem to get lost forever.

    Must admit I miss Devil Flanders, Fat Tony and the Cool Brown house, can't imagine losing Barney now!
  • I feel for you... I started playing in early October, and about a month later, I was unable to access it. I still am not able to access it- server issues :evil: I started over and love my new Springfield, although I really wanted to have Kang. He was still flying around when the crash happened. I also lost Heck House, Devil Flanders, the graveyards and the House of Evil. I guess the way I look at it now is that this way I will have more room for next year's Halloween decorations!
  • I just remembered another good thing about the reset- I don't have the Burns Monster or the Krusty doll anymore. Never did care for them very much!
  • Bumblebee man obvs :/

    Yep, purged the horrid Burns monster, but stupidly replaced with a Funzo! Pointless!
  • mine got reset about a month ago and I'm now at lvl 16. sucks I lost all the limited content like the cool brown house, fat tony and halloween buildings.

    on the bright side, I got that donut glitch again where my donut got stuck to 298. I was able to buy all premium characters and buildings. waiting to see if EA will give me back my old springfield. customer service said it'll take some time though.