Forum Discussion

patzmcm's avatar
11 years ago

Krustyland park attendees

patzmcm wrote:
Has anyone noticed an odd occurrence with the KL anonymous park people? First thing this morning when I tapped their tickets it seemed like I had more than usual. So when I just tapped them now, I counted 30, went about other business in KL, then new tickets showed up on top of everyone again. Not complaining :D

I had that happen to me, but then when the tickets dropped from above their heads after tapping, I was not able to collect them a 2nd time. They simply disappeared. I did not receive credit for them a 2nd time. So it was just like a glitch that I could see, but did not benefit me.

I am glad to hear you were able to collect double, especially because it takes so long to build up tickets in KL as compared to cash in Springfield. I am still trying to acquire all the land in KL, and then once I do that I will still need tickets to purchase decorations to fill out all the land. It should take me another few weeks or a month for sure.
  • I think recently they changed how the Krustyland tourists tickets work. Before, whenever you tapped them, you would reset their payout timer to 4 hours. Which actually made it a disadvantage to tap them after, say 7 hours 59 minutes because you would only collect one payout and reset the timer to 4 hours whereas if you waited a minute you would get two payouts before resetting their timer. However, it appears they've recently changed it now so that tapping the tourists doesn't reset their timer, so if you tap them at 7:59 one minute later the next payout becomes available, which might be what you saw.
  • That happened to me but I think it happens when the amount of tickets you get for tapping them is about to rise. :-)
  • toddestan wrote:
    I think recently they changed how the Krustyland tourists tickets work. Before, whenever you tapped them, you would reset their payout timer to 4 hours. Which actually made it a disadvantage to tap them after, say 7 hours 59 minutes because you would only collect one payout and reset the timer to 4 hours whereas if you waited a minute you would get two payouts before resetting their timer. However, it appears they've recently changed it now so that tapping the tourists doesn't reset their timer, so if you tap them at 7:59 one minute later the next payout becomes available, which might be what you saw.

    I had hoped I could repeat it this morning - but no luck so far today. Only got 1 set of tickets with no reset. I will keep trying to figure it out. Your explanation makes sense - now I'm curious!
  • Now that you mention it...

    I did clear the tix today, went to pop balloons and it said 30 seconds till it was ready. I waited, and watched everyone had their tix come ready again! That didn't happen before as far as i know.

    Good eye.
  • Going to check this out right now!! As i havent been able to play the game all weekend
  • patzmcm wrote:
    I have not been able to duplicate this :(

    It hasnt worked for me either :(

  • I've seen this a couple times, but I haven't figured out why it happens. I just know that I go around KL gathering the tickets and I think I've got them all. Then I notice new tickets over some of the park attendees, so I wait a second and watch them reappear over the others, and then recollect. :D