Forum Discussion

Senorian's avatar
12 years ago

leftover eggs

There are a few threads on this. There is no indication so far, historically they have given some leftovers for cash but also just given nothing.
I would hazard a guess that because they have done the bonus boxes to give people extra cash and donuts, I would expect that to be that and you will not get anything.
I'd suggest helping out fellow tappers and sending 3k eggs their way.....ahem.... :wink: :roll:
  • Senorian wrote:
    the last couple of updates we've had the opportunity to turn our leftover whatevers into cash/donuts. Like the Heart Grinder for the Valentine's update. I haven't seen any news about an egg grinder or the like. I have close to 3,000 eggs and I would dump them on people but if there's a chance i can convert them into money or donuts then i'd rather hold on to them. have you guys seen anything about what to do with extra eggs?

    sorry if this has been posted. I couldn't find anything by searching "leftover eggs".

    I'm pretty sure they will just disappear.

    But wouldn't it be funny if after the event ended the leftover eggs laying in your town gave out donuts. They did say some give donuts. I'm gonna leave a few laying in my town just in case.
  • I could really use them as I only have 9200 and a long way from getting the sleazy hotel. If you could help out I would be greatful.
  • XxEpicnezzxX wrote:
    HankScorrpio wrote:
    There are a few threads on this. There is no indication so far, historically they have given some leftovers for cash but also just given nothing.
    I would hazard a guess that because they have done the bonus boxes to give people extra cash and donuts, I would expect that to be that and you will not get anything.
    I'd suggest helping out fellow tappers and sending 3k eggs their way.....ahem.... :wink: :roll:
    Dont u dare use that :wink: on me! :evil: LolxP

    Haha, help out a fellow tapper who is only on a measly 4600 snakes :oops:
  • If anyone feels like giving leftover eggs me and my little brother could use them. If you don't he will cry.
  • Guys (@joeaikman and @PukingWendell) read his post. Don't just come in begging for eggs.
    If you don't have anything contributing to the question asked by the OP then take your egg requests to:
  • I have 200 eggs to trade...and am working like mad to get the final prize (I'm at 9000 snakes right now).

    Willing to trade my current stash... or all the eggs I earn daily with anyone who can help. Or if anyone can donate more, I will go out of my way to help you in future updates.

    user: andrewkasch