Forum Discussion

izabellatrix's avatar
10 years ago

Level-up Building Discounts?

this is the current one.
each new level released, add 1 level to the left column and it's done
click to enlarge
  • I haven't noticed that anything get cheaper. I see forums and posts talking about building prices all the time and my prices are about 30 percent higher than any of those. case in point, the Ziff sign. I saw the walkthrough on it dayed 2/2014, price 550,000. My price just upwards of 781,000. if someone says it costs 75,000 you can bet mine will cost 120,000 or more. I don't look at what someone paid when the game started or even a year ago, I figure EA decided that inflation was a part of real life and they'd include it in the game too. The only price I have found to be close to the same was boardwalk pieces.