Forum Discussion

johncolombo's avatar
10 years ago

Mod Presence

First post! :D

Actually, just kidding. But thank you for letting us know. I'll probably just keep playing until I'm forced to update. And if I am, and there's still no green light on an unbugged update, I'll just take a break for a while and watch the forums. :)
  • 4junk3000 wrote:
    What is this about? Mods' presents? Here ya go!


    thanks and nice to see you back!
  • LPNintendoITA wrote:
    isn't it presence?
    or is it cause you're pressing? =D

    fixed, spell check nor my eyes caught that.
  • johncolombo wrote:
    LPNintendoITA wrote:
    isn't it presence?
    or is it cause you're pressing? =D

    fixed, spell check nor my eyes caught that.

    Man, I was hoping you meant "prescience" and could tell us what is going to happen! :mrgreen:
  • johncolombo wrote:
    chippers29775 wrote:
    johncolombo wrote:
    There definitely seems to be a problem. But I felt as part of the moderation team it's important to let you know what I know and as of now it's nothing but what players are reporting. When I hear anything official from EA I'll post it. Until then we just have each other's words to go by.

    *visits thread*

    Do we get showbags? :)

    nope just level 56

    :lol: :lol:
  • seanharry wrote:
    Maybe people without issues should post.
    Oh wait that never happens.

    My game is good so far. I will update any issues.

    My game automatically updated while I was chatting with Ea about not getting my 5 donuts and 5 track pieces. I play on my iPad and no problems. Still at level 57, still have all my buildings. Still have not received any of the 8 track pieces I'm owed. I'm pretty much done with my monorail, so not too upset about the track pieces other than exchanging some of the squiggly pieces with the elusive straight pieces.