Forum Discussion

roshigoth1's avatar
10 years ago

Nail board mechanism for collecting everything?

I like this idea - even though my town is not as big as some, I would love to speed it up some days.
  • Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.
  • Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.
  • I was thinking about this exact thing the other day. I think it would work well. I still have not seen anyone explain why they would be against something like this or a collect all button, other than the "It's called Tapped Out" excuse.
  • roshigoth1 wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.

    I think the downside to this idea is that there are times that a player might want to intentionally leave specific buildings untapped - for example, in the CoC event when some players were leaving houses under attack in order to help out neighbors. The board nail idea would make things quicker but much more difficult or impossible to deal with a situation like this.
  • teo47 wrote:
    roshigoth1 wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.

    I think the downside to this idea is that there are times that a player might want to intentionally leave specific buildings untapped - for example, in the CoC event when some players were leaving houses under attack in order to help out neighbors. The board nail idea would make things quicker but much more difficult or impossible to deal with a situation like this.

    Then they could set it up where you can choose to use it or not.
  • jraffa50 wrote:
    teo47 wrote:
    roshigoth1 wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.

    I think the downside to this idea is that there are times that a player might want to intentionally leave specific buildings untapped - for example, in the CoC event when some players were leaving houses under attack in order to help out neighbors. The board nail idea would make things quicker but much more difficult or impossible to deal with a situation like this.

    Then they could set it up where you can choose to use it or not.

    He asked for a downside, I gave one. There aren't really on/off options like this in the game other than for things like music. EA will never do a collect all feature because they want the game to be time intensive so that people are tempted to use donuts to speed things up. If they do one, expect it to be a premium feature and probably not a cheap one.

    P.S. Ron Swanson FTW. :)
  • teo47 wrote:
    jraffa50 wrote:
    teo47 wrote:
    roshigoth1 wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.

    I think the downside to this idea is that there are times that a player might want to intentionally leave specific buildings untapped - for example, in the CoC event when some players were leaving houses under attack in order to help out neighbors. The board nail idea would make things quicker but much more difficult or impossible to deal with a situation like this.

    Then they could set it up where you can choose to use it or not.

    He asked for a downside, I gave one. There aren't really on/off options like this in the game other than for things like music. EA will never do a collect all feature because they want the game to be time intensive so that people are tempted to use donuts to speed things up. If they do one, expect it to be a premium feature and probably not a cheap one.

    P.S. Ron Swanson FTW. :)

    The only problem is that when things become too time intensive it can turn people off and they spend less time in the game. In between events I end up just sending everyone on 24 hour tasks so I can spend time collecting things. I would play more with a collect all type button.

    Ron Swanson is the man.
  • teo47 wrote:
    roshigoth1 wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Rather not. My town has the maximum size with nearly all buildings available and collecting still goes fast. No more then two or three minutes.

    And yet you still haven't given a "down side." Only a reason why you personally wouldn't need it.

    I think the downside to this idea is that there are times that a player might want to intentionally leave specific buildings untapped - for example, in the CoC event when some players were leaving houses under attack in order to help out neighbors. The board nail idea would make things quicker but much more difficult or impossible to deal with a situation like this.

    True enough. Maybe this could be controlled with a toggle. For instance, say the ability is offered along with a building. When you tap the building, it opens a menu with on/off options, as well as the ability to upgrade the size (for a price, of course). I could see the building itself being premium, though I would hope the upgrades would just be in-game money costs that scale similar to the land or new building costs - cheap at first, but quickly gets more expensive. Hey, new money sink for EA and bragging rights for the people who have more money than they need.