Forum Discussion

nicholasd30's avatar
11 years ago

No notification with Friend visits

If anyone is also seeing this just reinstall your game.
  • ladycatlow wrote:
    Hmmm... I logged into my town and there were no handshakes but I had notifications of visits. Went across town to collect a task that had completed then scooted back across town and the handshakes had appeared! Odd! Oh well I guess it'll figure itself out when everyone is updated! :)

    Same for me as well
  • Just had a notification that someone had visited but when I just went on game there was no sign they had. Am not disputing they have or not it's just I can't tell if the have and there is no fp to collect either. So looks like this update has a bug. I've seen some say they had them others not. So I don't know what's going on.
  • Has anyone found anything out about this for sure? I visited all my neighbors, including my second town, yesterday and when I went to log into that second town, I got the message it had been logged into on another device. It finally let me in and I was glad to see nothing had been messed with, but the houses I had tapped from visiting had no handshakes above them, they actually still had dollar signs above them. Today I went through and collected again from my neighbors and once again, I logged into my second town and the houses I had tapped still showed dollar signs and no handshakes, for the second day in a row. What else is odd, when I visit my main town from my second one and collect for the day, all handshakes show up as normal. It makes me wonder if any of my neighbors are getting handshakes from me at all.
  • I'm getting push notifications saying "such-and-such has visited your Springfield," but when I go to clear handshakes there isn't anything to tap. I know people are tapping in my town.. my brother visits everyday; I just can't see the handshakes.
  • mikeropology wrote:
    I'm getting push notifications saying "such-and-such has visited your Springfield," but when I go to clear handshakes there isn't anything to tap. I know people are tapping in my town.. my brother visits everyday; I just can't see the handshakes.

    Same here
  • Also happening to me, some properties shows handshake, some don't. some are still showing dollar sign, but when I click the dollar $, shows so&so visited.
  • Same thing happened to me today, visited all my friends including my 2 feeder towns, non registered I had visited them, and on my main town the handshakes didn't appear, also I got notifications that someone visited my town and I only found one handshake.
  • I too have noticed a significant reduction in handshakes from neighbors: only 3 of 99 have visited in over 24 hrs? Can't be.

    Something must be wrong. Start sending your bug reports to EA so they fix it!
  • erchin8 wrote:
    dhlennon wrote:
    mikeropology wrote:
    I'm getting push notifications saying "such-and-such has visited your Springfield," but when I go to clear handshakes there isn't anything to tap. I know people are tapping in my town.. my brother visits everyday; I just can't see the handshakes.

    Same here

    I had this happening yesterday. Though I have push notifications off, I still get so get "------ has visited your town." When I logged in there were no handshakes. After a few rounds of this I uninstalled/reinstalled and it seems to be working again.

    My side town did not experience this problem, but I use a different device for it. But I doubt it's a device issue because they basically have the same specs.

    Yeah, I don't think it's device-related. I deleted app data and reinstalled, but I'm still having an issue with handshakes showing up. And I'm not getting push notifications from every neighbor visit, either. In fact, the only handshakes I can see are from neighbors who weren't mentioned in a notification.