9 years ago
Nuking your town
If you've never nuked I'd recommend that you have a go at nuking Krustyland first as a practice as sometimes it is quite a suprise to go to an empty piece of land and starting from scratch in fact som...
barryriddl474 wrote:
I have nuked my own town a couple/few times and my wife's town once. You really have to enjoy the building/designing process or as mentioned by devilhunt1449, some people have stopped playing or felt overwhelmed by how much stuff there is to place again.
With the "new" area select tool, you can easily rebuild without a massive interruption to your town. Also, little things like if you've place the few vehicles that were previously allowed on roads, that'll be gone.
If you're up for a challenge, nuking can be fun if you're completely bored with your current design.
Also, take pictures of designs you like. It'll help during the rebuild.