Forum Discussion

timhensh's avatar
12 years ago

Photo challenges : music

+ Nelson on guitar.
  • timhensh wrote:
    Has anyone managed to create a Springfield band with Fat Tony on violin, Lisa on sax, Willie on bagpipes and Martin on lute, all in the same area? Picture proof ? Kearney and O'Flanagan both jigging to the vibe would just top it all off!

    I have issued those tasks but failed to get them all in the same area to create a pic. Anyone up to the challenge?

    Do a search for Tony68K, he's done all sorts of brilliant things like this. He no longer visits the forums, I miss him. He was really good at this sort of thing.
  • timhensh wrote:
    Oops, missed Nelson. Thanks for reminding me, Lyle.

    Hey if you manage to get everyone together take a screenshot and post the image here would like to see :D