Forum Discussion

ataylor375's avatar
9 years ago

Pointless tapping robots?

If you are sure you'll be in the game exactly once the four timer is ready to play again there is no need to tap them but I'd say it's best you do anyway so you don't get any lag from having them swarm your screen, and there's always the chance you won't be able to get into the game when the sci-fighter is ready so you'd lose any extras due to be at capacity (80 robots)
  • I'm with you taylor. I'll tap a couple bots here and there if I see them, but I'm not spending a lot of time catching them. Just let the EMP at the beginning of the game do the work.
  • This revelation will make it easier to save up for the hula hoop building. Thanks guys.
  • I tap the robots before zapping them. No matter how many are out there it always says I tapped 38 when zapping.
  • I might tap a few odd ones but usually if I can get into my game every 4 hours to play the polyvac then I dont bother.
    First thing in the morning I usually tap a few rambling robots before I play just to be sure I get them all
  • I'm not convinced we get credit for all robots in park getting zapped by end of mini-game, when I start game it zaps some but if you look at the numbers floating up it only appears to count the ones in the camera view. Also after game I've used the find em trick and there have been more out there. I tap till it tells me there are no more in Springfield.

    Just my observations, no calculated proof of theory yet :)
  • spritals148 wrote:
    I'm not convinced we get credit for all robots in park getting zapped by end of mini-game, when I start game it zaps some but if you look at the numbers floating up it only appears to count the ones in the camera view. Also after game I've used the find em trick and there have been more out there. I tap till it tells me there are no more in Springfield.

    Just my observations, no calculated proof of theory yet :)

    I think it's all of the ones in your town, I've seen some pretty large numbers floating.

    I'm not sure it's all you are due, because they seem to spawn pretty fast when you haven't been on a while then log on. I'm very much in the tap them if they are on the screen but I'm not hunting them camp.
  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    The count displayed at the end is the number captured in the game. If you make note of the robot parts you have, then add the number from the game you will see how many you got from the other robots. I have had the full 80 added a few times when I had not tapped any for a few hours. I definitely get full credit for all of them in the town after the mini game. Have never got past 52 in the game though.
  • We are definitely being spoiled this event. It is nice to not have to search for robots and still get credit. I will still tap them when I see them but am glad that I don't have to.
  • This is how you can fast travel to robots in your town

    1st click on the trophy symbol to pull up the event menu

    2nd click on the 3D printer menu

    3rd click on the parts icon for the level meter on the top right

    4th click "do it" on the menu that pops up, this will fast travel you to a robot

    The fast travel takes you to the furthest robot from your screen position each time and works it's way to the middle of you town.

    It takes me less then 5 minutes to clear all robots in the morning left from the night.

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me as a friend in the game.