Forum Discussion

evant13579's avatar
9 years ago


What's up Forum?
I'm seeing a ton of positive junk on here - and it's making me sad.....
People starting threads- many of whom have Never or rarely post here - and they get some of the most positive, sparkly comments back....
It's clearly upsetting- if you read through there are responses a lot like what the heck?! Thanks for being nice.....
It's surprising to me, as usually I feel we are a pretty rude bunch of folks to hang out with.
So, please, refrain from being kind on a thread- just becasue you agree with the subject, or that the post should or should have been made- who cares? Is there limited space for threads on the forum we are using up?
Fun, is fun, messing with eachother happens- but I'm talking kindness
Chill out people. We want New peeps here- Lets not chase them off being kind o commenting to we do think their post belongs...
Sorry, my 2 cents - but the rise in Sparkly, kind commentary lately is bugging me.
We're ruder people than that :)

The old saying- If you can't say something rude.... Don't say anything at all, right?

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