Forum Discussion

lucajick's avatar
10 years ago

Rails glitch

I've not noticed anyone comment on if it's fixed or not and don't recall LPN listing it in the last bug fix update but it could have slipped from my mind, personally I'd wait till tomorrow when the event finishes as they will be more fixes in the update when it's released and it is not that long of a wait.
  • It's not. I lost Lisa this morning. EA told me it happens if you have rails on water but I'm doubting it because my other board also has rails exclusively on water and I haven't had issues on that one. My daughter also has rails on water and doesn't have a problem. They say they are working to fix it tho.
  • It happens to me if I have rails over water that is also a bridged water squares.

    The second I remove the guilty rail from those squares...everything's fine again.
  • The EA help guy I talked to claimed it was server issues.

    Apart from losing characters, buildings disappearing when I place items (not just tracks, other SH decorations too), I've found the game also keeps resetting characters already set on tasks, so I find them wandering aimlessly around Springfield.

    I am too afraid to bring Lisa out from inventory, cuz the last time I did it she disappeared again. And there's almost no point on sending the buggy characters to do Rail Yard tasks because they keep resetting. I'm hoping all this will go away once they update for the end of the Monorail event.