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9 years ago

S_t. Patrick's Day and Easter 2016 ***WALKTHROUGH***

St. Easter?

Auto starts

Homer: Am I dreaming? St. Patrick's Day AND Easter at the same time?
Homer: How do I decide between two of the most delicious days of the year?!
Tom O'Flanagan: It'll be a Sophie's Choice between green beer and green Easter eggs.
Homer: I've been hospitalized after eating green eggs so...
Homer: Eight green beers, Tommy!

Task: Build O'Flanagan's Pub
Task: Make Homer Drink at O'Flanagan's
Time: 4h
Location: O'Flanagan's Pub

Homer: How do jelly beans and chocolate hearts get their own holiday, anyway?
Homer: Hint: merge the bunny one with the leprechaun one -- beer in a chocolate mug you can eat!

Strut Walk Pt. 1

Ned starts

Ned: Combining the day when HE has risen with the day that so many are falling down drunk is blasphemy!
Ned: Or something a devout Catholic would do.
Ned: If Pope Gregory XIII hadn’t messed with the Julian calendar we wouldn’t be havin’ these problems!

Task: Make Ned Protest St. Patrick's Day
Time: 4h
Location: O'Flanagan's Pub

On job start:
Helen Lovejoy: It's about time we followed someone with a true and pure heart. Sorry, Timothy.
Rev. Lovejoy: No apology needed, Helen.
Lindsay Naegle: Ned's a real man -- from the hairs on his moustached face to the tips of his Hush Puppy lace.
Lindsay Naegle: And if he's single… I call dibs!
Cookie Kwan: I want Ned's dibs!

On job end:
Northern Irish Leprechaun: SHIENASTOI RIGATON! (We support a strong independent Protestant Easter!)
Leprechaun: Sheeleon shahshashacho. (Catholic unification is inevitable.)
Yupprechaun: Hishelele evashano. (Nationalism and cultural exclusivism is SO outdated.)
Leprechaun: VATANONOGOTIN! (You are not a true Irish Leprechaun!)
Yupprechaun: Geto, otoi, scotchomadrunkaloo. (Ah, the no true Scotsman argument.)
System Message: The Northern Irish Leprechaun joins the other little green folk this year. Get him in the store!
Northern Irish Leprechaun Message

Strut Walk Pt. 2

Ned starts

Ned: I'm still not over those Catholics trying to put their stamp on Easter.
Father Sean: Ease up, Ned. Have a beer and celebrate the Eucharist with us.
Ned: Alcohol and transubstantiated blood don't make any more sense than the paradox of Matthew 10:39.
Ned: That's teetering on Bacchanalia!
Father Sean: Just doing our part for the almighty Maker – Duff Brewery. Nice St. Patty's shirt by the way!

Task: Make Ned Rip off His Green Shirt
Time: 6s
Location: Flanders House

Strut Walk Pt. 3

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: St. Patty's Day shirt, what was I thinking? Glad I ripped that green right outta the scene!
Lindsay Naegle: Your shirt's not the only thing around here that's ripped. Catch my drift?
Cookie Kwan: That bod's more cut than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March! Meow-ow-ow!
Shredded Ned: Sorry ladies, paw at some other scratchin' post ‘cause I'm busy with the Holy GhoSt.
Shredded Ned: Now if you'll pardon my pecs...

Task: Make Shredded Ned Work Out
Time: 1h

Strut Walk Pt. 4

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: Since I'm pumped AND popular, maybe I should throw an Easter party!
Cookie Kwan: Time to rock our cocktail dresses, ladies!
Hugs Bunny: Hugs' ears perk up for parties. I'll hippity-hop the light fantastic!
Homer: Women, stupid shirtless Flanders and a walk-around non-chocolate bunny. What kind of party is this?

Task: Make Shredded Ned Throw an Easter Party
If the user is Level 40 or over: Task: Make Women Attend the Party
Excluded Characters: Patty, Youngsters
If the user has Hugs Bunny: Task: Make Hugs Bunny Attend the Party
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

Strut Walk Pt. 5

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: The hedge is looking bushier than a Babylonian's beard. Time to pluck that privet!
Lindsay Naegle: I hope I can watch.
Cookie Kwan: You'll have an obstructed view, because you'll be behind me!

Task: Make Shredded Ned Trim the Hedge
Time: 4h
Location: Flanders House

Miss Hoover: Ugh, those women! Acting like second graders!
Shredded Ned: As long as they're ogling Easter, I don't mind them ogling my keister!
Miss Hoover: You would let them objectify you like that? Doesn't that insult you?
Shredded Ned: Hmm, maybe you're right. My Easter message might be getting a little holy-watered down.
Miss Hoover: I'll give you my number. Maybe we can turn that holy water into a box of wine!

Strut Walk Pt. 6

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: Mayor Quimby, my disciples have got my back... and my front. We demand an end to the immorality plaguing our city!
Quimby: Topless Ned Flanders is preaching to me about moral decency?!
Shredded Ned: That was the only shirt I had!
Miss Springfield: You can have mine!
Shredded Ned: Sweet Mary and her Magdalenes! AHHHH!

Task: Reach Level 14 and Build the First Church of Springfield
Task: Make Shredded Ned Hide
Time: 12h
Location: First Church of Springfield

Strut Walk Pt. 7

Ned starts

Quimby: Shirtless Flanders is going to steal my mistress right out from under me.
Quimby: You've got to help me stop him!
Mrs. Quimby: I'm your wife you jerk!
Quimby: Er, uh... what kind of marriage do we have if we can't help one another?

Task: Reach Level 20 and Build the Town Hall
Task: Make Mayor Quimby Figure Out What to Do
Time: 12h
Location: Town Hall

Quimby: We can't have a topless muscle man in our town!
Carl: We should ship him off to the topless beaches of France.
Lenny: Or have him work a very sudsy charity car wash away from here.
Quimby: I can't banish a man from our fair town for being too handsome!
Quimby: But I can inflict a worse fate… marry him off.

Strut Walk Pt. 8

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: Drop your wedding dresses, ladies! There'll be no Ned — newlywed or otherwise.
Lindsay Naegle: What's your position on pre-marital snuggling?
Shredded Ned: I only know one position for snuggling, but maybe it's time I turn over a new belief.
Moe: I'd give my left eyeball for just one lady to hit on old Moe...
Moe: ...and I'm not even askin' for a human lady.

Task: Make Shredded Ned Ponder Virtuous Love
Time: 4h
Location: First Church of Springfield
If the user is Level 40 or over: Task: Make Women Go to the Bar to Ponder Things
Time: 4h
Location: O'Flanagan's Pub
Excluded Characters: Patty, Youngsters

Strut Walk Pt. 9

Ned starts

Shredded Ned: You ladies should focus more on our Lord rising from the tomb than making me your groom.
Cookie Kwan: Sorry, but it was your muscles we wanted, not your morals.
Lindsay Naegle: Let's head to O'Flanagan's and drink until the other men look good without shirts on.
Grampa: How many Duffs does it take for me to start looking buff?
Tom O'Flanagan: All the beer in Ireland couldn't pull that off.
Grampa: Guess I'll keep my bolo tie cinched then.

Task: Make Springfielders Drink at O'Flanagan's
Time: 4h
Location: O'Flanagan's Pub
Excluded Characters: Youngsters
St. Patrick's Giveaway

Auto starts on March 17th

System Message: Here's a little something to bring the cheer of little people and over-drinking to your Springfield all year round!
TSTO Leprechaun Statue Message
Easter Giveaway

Auto starts on March 27th

System Message: Welcome Easter into your Springfield and chase out the St. Patrick's Day debauchery!
Sunday Cruddy Sunday

Auto starts on March 27th

Lenny: So hungover...
Declan Desmond: What you need is “hair of the dog.”
Lenny: I tried that. I was picking fleas outta my mouth for a week.
Declan Desmond: In order to counteract the toxic effects of alcohol, you have more of said alcohol.
Homer: Woohoo! I'll have another litter of “dogs!”

Task: Make Springfielders Drink Away Their Hangovers
Time: 4h
Location: O'Flanagan's Pub
Excluded Characters: Youngsters