12 years ago
Second Lemon tree
I have heard that other people are experiencing this. Sux that you can't use it. On a side note I just thought I'd add that when I looked at the pic I read the msg then clicked ok. :lol: Then I w...
gospodtehn402 wrote:NeoSEC28 wrote:gospodtehn402 wrote:
I have a similar problem. I have received in a mistery box the Squeaky Voice Teen, which I already have, so this another instance of the same person is stuck in my inventory.
You are one of many people who have had this problem, sure you wont be the last either lol
I didn't expect to be the first or the last one with that kind of problem. I was just expecting that EA would exchange that another Squeaky Voice Teen in my inventory with Elizabeth Hoover, Dewey Largo, Frank Grimes or even the inanimate carbon rod. :mrgreen: