Forum Discussion

brewdog79's avatar
11 years ago

Spending suggestions?

Nice list, all are great choices that I'd recommend. If I started over with about 200 donuts, I'd go with Luanne and Moleman first. Luanne has a long storyline, the best outdoor tasks and unlocks fleet-a-pita. Molemans only downside is the lack of a storyline, but his 24 task is great, he ears KL tickets and he unlocks a stage task. If you ever decide to go with Duffman, I have to caution his moves get a little old. But if you have the stadium, his task there makes up for it.
  • KillaSqirl wrote:
    Nice list, all are great choices that I'd recommend. If I started over with about 200 donuts, I'd go with Luanne and Moleman first. Luanne has a long storyline, the best outdoor tasks and unlocks fleet-a-pita. Molemans only downside is the lack of a storyline, but his 24 task is great, he ears KL tickets and he unlocks a stage task. If you ever decide to go with Duffman, I have to caution his moves get a little old. But if you have the stadium, his task there makes up for it.

    I concur with my neighbor here.
  • I would agree about cracker factory, but I'm a duffman fan and I really like duffman. most of its task are out doors as well and if you have the Coliseum he has a 2 hour task there. flies around in a jetpack
  • In terms of long term cash flow - your best bet is either Bumble Bee Man, Kearny, Moleman - or Cracker Factory + 1 of them. Luann's task list definitely better than Sideshow Mel's - plus the factory unlocks an 8 hour task for Kirk. The storyline is long and good as well - and you get access to the Fleet-A-Peta.

    3 Characters would allow you to earn more money faster if that as an issue, but Bumble bee man is locked up indoors for everything over 1 hour. He does grant a 24 hour task at channel 6 though if you use those.

    Kearny also doesn't have many outdoor tasks either. He's mostly locked up as well, but he can go to Krustyland. If you need tickets he'd probably be a better pick over Bumble Bee Man.

    Moleman has weird story with Smithers after you do the task list suggestion quests. He has multiple outdoor tasks and also goes to Krustyland. I'd pick him with Luann if you are going this route.

    In terms of the big items, both Duffman and Hank have solid task lists. Both buildings are pretty unique as well. It's really a coin flip since Duffman basically has 3 tasks (1 which is repeated at numerous buildings, 1 awesome stadium task, 1 neat walking around task). Hank has one of the best in the game with the flame thrower, the fun run is another solid one as well. A number of his are sadly locked up inside though, but his Flame Thrower task is definitely awesome.


    I didn't really outline Mel, but his task list is nothing to brag home about. He has the de-bone the hair, Juggle and I think one other. The juggle one is okay at best - but neat he does this task in Krustyland. He has a 30 min task that uses the cannon if you bought that which has a cool animation, but lets face it not enough characters have 30 min task to really use it a lot.