Forum Discussion

TAGSfan60982's avatar
10 years ago

Spooky Fences

TAGSfan60982 wrote:
I currently have 22 Spooky Fences in storage. Do they do anything? How are they spooky? How many do you have? How many needed to say, surround one of the mansions?

Thank you

They are spooky walls.
They give a 0.5% multiplier.
They only come around at halloween.
Maybe 15.
Who knows why don't you put them around a mansion and tell us.
  • Im hoping for some more freebies so I can build a pyramid or altar to put my Vampire Burns coffin on.
  • TAGSfan60982 wrote:
    I currently have 22 Spooky Fences in storage. Do they do anything? How are they spooky? How many do you have? How many needed to say, surround one of the mansions?

    Thank you

    Do you mean walls? Did you use your 22 to see if they surrounded a mansion?
  • jamcec720 wrote:
    I just checked the size of the walls they are the same size has cobblestone, you can try buying some of those and put around a mansion to see how many you would need. And while I know they have a difference in appearance I wouldn't find it wrong to put some cobblestone in with them has fillers, if you don't seem to have enough.

    If you work with them long enough, you should be able to blend the cobblestone walls with the spooky walls quite nicely. I have not done this myself, but am planning on doing so. Still, I have visited some friends recently who built this very structure we are referring to, usually spooky walls for the most part, but a few rows and columns were cobblestone walls instead. And it looked really nice! I also believed at the top of the pyramid was fire of some sort, which went well also.

    Anyway, just wanted to encourage you to try this.
  • Speaking of spooky fences, I just got 3 in one of my bags...woohoo! Lol first ones I've gotten so far.
  • MonicaL9 wrote:
    Speaking of spooky fences, I just got 3 in one of my bags...woohoo! Lol first ones I've gotten so far.

    Congrats, Nice!! Always good to get a premium item with a bonus XP multiplier attached to it. I also got 3 in one of my bags yesterday for the first time! I don't know whether you can win singles of the wall or not. Or whether they always comes in sets of 3 if you win them with the trick or treat bags. But anyway.l
  • Glad to hear others are getting these in bags. I was suspicious of accidentally crafting them.