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LPNintendoITA's avatar
9 years ago

Springfield Games: Walkthrough and Premium Walkthrough


Bart starts

Otto: Gnarly! We've finally got a half-pipe!
Bart: I can't believe this took so long.
Otto: I tried, believe me. Piece of advice, don't try to cut corners when building a half pipe. Because it's supposed to be perfectly round.
Otto: I would shred, but I forgot my board at home… or at work. I guess I forgot where I forgot my board.

Task: Make Bart Do Tricks on the Half-Pipe
Time: 3h
Location: Half-Pipe

Otto: That was awesome, little dude. Have you ever considered taking it to the next level?
Bart: Going pro? It's crossed my mind.
Otto: No man, I meant in this game. I’m bored of this update.

Mystery Locker Promo

After completing Springfield Games Pt. 1
Skinner starts

Skinner: These abandoned lockers will make a great capsule hotel for visiting Japanese businessmen, clown families, and the just plain broke.
Willie: We’ll make a wee fortune during the Springfield Games. ACK! What is that stench?
Skinner: Don’t look inside. I can’t risk another suffocated nerd on my record.
Willie: Why don’t ye sell ‘em off, like on those TV shows? One man’s trash is another man’s legal liability.
System Message: The other lockers are actually full of fantastic prizes! Purchase a Mystery Locker in the store and get one of 5 specially selected sports items.

Cristo of Springfield

After completing Springfield Games Pt. 3
Auto starts

Lisa: The dodecathlon participants seem even less motivated than I'd thought they'd be.
Rev. Lovejoy: That's because they haven't been properly encouraged.
Rev. Lovejoy: There's nothing more inspiring than a giant statue of Jesus watching and judging you.
Rev. Lovejoy: There's a reason the collection plate is so full on Sundays.
Homer: Ahh, I already fail Jesus at church, work, and home. Why do I have to fail in front of him here too?
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