Forum Discussion

kingkarls's avatar
9 years ago

Springfield Heights Real Estate Value

I think it's just helping you reach 1 billion.
Ive been neglecting Springfield Heights for a long time just started several tasks
  • Only a few of the SH buildings have any income potential. Most are just big ugly real estate hogs that take up space and offer little more than a few points on your XP totals. I think we're all assuming there will be more to Springfield Heights at some point in the game. The best way to approach SH is just grind away when you have people available and upgrade as often as you can. There is no reward for speed, unfortunately.

  • agreed surefire, i put out all buildings once and the buildings took up all of SH and a lot more room in Springfield. dont remember the increase of xp but not worth the wasted space to me for the unattractive buildings.

    anything after 1b is crafting decos

    ive been wondering if real eatate values end at 2b. reason i wonder is a former friend had 2b total then quit playing the game for some reason.

    surefire, your #3 on my leaderboard and real close to #2, #2 has been at 1.314,674,000 for a long time. im at 1.73b and grinding til 2b (dont even know why now, guess i want to see it through), and it gives me something to do between events like now. finished with the fire event and monorail dont start again till tomorrow morning

  • For every real estate dollar you gain, it just puts you one step closer to this young lady right here
  • Okay thanks guys

    I wasn't sure If the amount of money saved was increasing during the night or not.
    I have 1.1 billion in springfield heights and done all tasks.
    I guess no real point to continue besides being an addict :D
    My whole task book is empty.
    It would of been a good idea if a certain percentage of your real estate value increased your saved money each hour to encourage playing and increasing the buildings

    I have also stored most of my buildings when the reached their max.

    I'm soooooooo glad a bought A TON of blue and white buildings a LONG time ago as I'm not paying those values now, that's crazy you will never make your money back.
  • I always have it in my head that more prizes will be added, so instead of doing nothing, just been upgrading all the current buildings. I see it like the friendship prizes, more will be added in the future. Never know when Heights will drop in prizes up to 2 billion. Might be a long while, might be soon. Never know, so I'd rather be prepared and have all buildings upgraded/purchased.
  • I'm totally full with all of my crafting supplies. Like others, I feel like we'll probably get something more for SH. Probably the exclusive community Mr. Burns talks about in the Redwood questline. Fall of 2016.
  • I have 2 neighbors that have stopped at an even 2 billion, so I wonder if it caps at that number?