Forum Discussion

smohqy's avatar
11 years ago

Stonecutters End of Event Party!
  • Tobewood wrote:
    Hahaha! That pic is hilarious! If only there were yellow shrubs.

    I know. But it's Satan. He probably pees green.
  • smohqy wrote:
    Tobewood wrote:
    Hahaha! That pic is hilarious! If only there were yellow shrubs.

    I know. But it's Satan. He probably pees green.

    maybe those flaming shrub things!
  • Oh that last line gave me a good laugh along with the photo!

    Enjoy your end of the event party with your girls :)
  • jraffa50 wrote:
    smohqy wrote:
    Tobewood wrote:
    Hahaha! That pic is hilarious! If only there were yellow shrubs.

    I know. But it's Satan. He probably pees green.

    maybe those flaming shrub things!

    If I had more than two, that would be perfect!

    Then I could reference the late great Frank Zappa: "Why does it hurt when I pee?"
  • smohqy wrote:

    My wife isn't sure if she's ever seen the episode, and my seven year old definitely hasn't. So when they return this evening, I have Homer the Great all queued up. Gonna pop up some corn, pull the cork on a bottle of wine (and poke a straw into a juice box for our lil' girl), press play, and go out in style.

    Sounds like you're gonna have a...

    ...Great time.