Forum Discussion

jmlgg's avatar
8 years ago

Summer is almost here

And I have decided what I want for a Summer event. #makebeachescoolagain

While Heights has made some nice things for it, it want my whole coastline lovely.

After Zenith City and Cypress Creek, I believe its time for our lovely state to get Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport!

Content can and should be united from other episodes too - even such recent ones as Great Phatsby with its Hamptons businesses and residents or SF beachfront area from s28e11.

Why stop there? Give us dr Caleb Thorn and manatees! Give us Duff McShark - what an animated tasks he could have!!!

And yes - its time for characters to get tasks on water, rivers and both those being able to connect.

Once we get our secret agent secrets done, lets put our sun screen and take a dip into the ocean! EA, i see u!