Forum Discussion

bluyoshi88810's avatar
10 years ago

Thanksgiving 2014 Ideas

My guess is next week- since thanksgiving is later this year and it usually hits about a week before
  • Stuff if like to see this year...

    Coach Krupt with Sportacus
    Tom Turkey
    Retirement Castle Administrator
    Larry Kidkill with Springfield City Zoo

    Pilgrim Homer

    Springfield Rescue Mission
    Mt. Swartzwelder Historic Cider Mill

    Thanksgiving Parade Float
  • bluyoshi88810 wrote:
    Last year, the Thanksgiving Update was on the 15th so I'm guessing it will hit sometime this week (just a guess). Obviously, everything from the past two years will return, but I'm wondering what everyone wants to see this year.

    I seen a neighbor with Lisa on a task petting a turkey, I didnt get a screenshot, but I want that.
    Also want the cider stand.
  • Rich0913 wrote:
    bluyoshi88810 wrote:

    I seen a neighbor with Lisa on a task petting a turkey, I didnt get a screenshot, but I want that.
    Also want the cider stand.

    That's the one
  • Pilgrim Homer? The Pilgrims were mentioned in the Level 47 dialogue. Sometimes in the dialogue there are deliberately planted hints at what is to come (e.g. Stonecutters):

    Judge Snyder: ‘Which, according to the Pilgrims who wrote our town charter, is punishable by death. How do you plead?’

    I wonder if we will have a Pilgrim themed Thanksgiving?
  • Annathewicked wrote:
    My guess is next week- since thanksgiving is later this year and it usually hits about a week before

    so wouldn't that mean it'd be this week since thanksgiving is next thursday