Forum Discussion

whoamercy's avatar
11 years ago

The disappearing friends phenomenon

whoamercy wrote:
Is it me, or has there been a serious downturn in the number and quality of active neighbors, the kind you used to be able to count on for visits and for tappable buildings?

It's never been unusual to see a dropoff in neighbor activity toward (or especially after) the end of an event, but this time it's happening with a lot of the people who'd been active since day one, who were dependable mainstays of the friends list, or who were premium players and obviously had some personal investment in the game. I was looking at doing another cull, but it's really bothering about me the kinds of neighbors I'd need to let go.

It can't just be the event to blame, of course. Life happens, interest level fluctuates, circumstances come up, there's a new competing game, etc. But I can't help but notice that many of the suddenly inactive or low-activity people haven't completed the event, some have broken baskets still sitting in their SF (still empty and untappable)...

Who else has noticed this? Do you think it will level out or that the activity will come back?

You say it can't just be the event to blame, but I've seen a lot of ppl on the forum saying they're leaving (at least for the duration of it) so I imagine it'll be the same for a lot of non-forum members too. Many ppl have also posted about the high number of neighbours who have stopped playing during the event, myself included :?

Of course not all of the inactive players will be because of Easter, I just think a large number of them probably are. Whether or not they'll start playing again once the event is over is yet to be seen! I hope so :)
  • Probably, but I hesitate to blame it all on the event.

    More importantly, though, what would bring them back?

  • A lot of neighbours are still on level 39 and there is no activity. Most of them have lots of premium items. Such a waste!
    I think there are 20 neighbours i can delete. Maybe ten more. But they became inactive during the easter event.
  • Possibly both is the most likely answer. A lot of my dependable neighbours haven't had very much if anything to tap for a couple of weeks. I know at least one who's said they're taking a break at least for now... I hate that this event has sucked some really passionate players away, but it's probably the best for them. The game is supposed to take stress away, not add to it :?
  • I think I lost ten neighbors this event, which is at least twice as many as normal. I gave the forumites two weeks before deleting, but eventually I had to cull them, because I needed eggs to tap.
    One of my best neighbors has said he's done playing until the event is over. (I won't delete him, but it's really a shame to see him go.) The frustration levels are just incredibly high.
  • neuroheart wrote:
    I think I lost ten neighbors this event, which is at least twice as many as normal. I gave the forumites two weeks before deleting, but eventually I had to cull them, because I needed eggs to tap.
    One of my best neighbors has said he's done playing until the event is over. (I won't delete him, but it's really a shame to see him go.) The frustration levels are just incredibly high.

    I think we're talking about the same person, but there's many more less vocal than that individual who have walked. My 100 friends list is going to be thinned out pretty soon :(
  • I've also noticed this. I have one neighbor that still has 4 full baskets of eggs yet is no longer playing. And that neighbor has been playing for at least one year with me. That neighbor isn't the only to "die out" during this event. I've seen about 5 of my 100 quit during this event.

    It seems really strange to me.

    I've been reading this forum and I've read about a lot of people that were claiming to quit but I didn't think they would really do it. I think that is what has happened though. People are truly leaving the Simpsons game. I can't really blame them. This has been the most frustrating event so far.
  • jimmyw31's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I probably had about 10 neighbors that seemed to stop playing (or maybe did before the event, and I didn't notice until the eggs started) that I turned over. I picked up some new players from the add-me threads, but even a few of the my new neighbors seem to have packed it in.