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7 years ago

The Springfield Jobs: Walkthrough

The Springfield Job Pt. 1

Auto starts

Mr. Burns: Smithers! Why is it so quiet in here?

Smithers: Because mute is the default option in 2018.

Mr. Burns: Enough of your meta-humor. I mean, the core is obviously melting down! Where are the alarms?!

Smithers: Simpson must've turned off the alarms to help him focus on stopping the meltdown.

Homer: Meltdown? I thought that was an alarm clock trying to wake me up from my nap.

Task: Make Homer Pull Levers to Stop a Meltdown
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Brown House

Homer: Stopped the meltdown. The forty-ninth lever was the charm.
Homer: Wonder what pulling the first forty-eight levers did.
Aristotle Amadopolis: What idiot activated the waste sludge dumper? It filled my Mercedes with radioactive mud!
Mr. Burns: Aristotle Amadopolis, my fellow nuclear plant owner! What are you doing here?
Aristotle Amadopolis: The usual. Regretting I ever came.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 2

Homer starts

Aristotle Amadopolis: Burnsie, I came here with a proposal.
Mr. Burns: I have a proposal too: stop calling me “Burnsie”.
Aristotle Amadopolis: Burnsie, I'm bored with being a nuclear plant owner. We bend the law, but we never break it.
Mr. Burns: Speak for yourself. I've committed crimes so terrible they haven't even been invented yet.
Aristotle Amadopolis: Then I think you'll enjoy what I have in mind.

Task: Make Aristotle Amadopolis Propose a Heist
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Brown House
If the user has Mr. Burns: Task: Make Burns Agree to a Heist
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Casually Overhear About a Heist
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Brown House

Mr. Burns: So we are agreed. We each put together a team of criminals and try to be the first to rob the Museum of Super Fine Arts in Little Italy.
Aristotle Amadopolis: Whoever gets the loot first is the winner of our little contest.
Aristotle Amadopolis: And then we give the loot back, of course, since this is all in fun.
Mr. Burns: Oh, I'll return the loot. Even if during the heist you have a terminal “accident”.
Aristotle Amadopolis: Why would that happen?
Mr. Burns: I'm putting Homer Simpson on my team. That pretty much guarantees someone will get hurt.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 3

Homer starts

Homer: Bart, can you keep a secret?
Bart: If you haven't figured that out by now, there's no point in me telling you.
Homer: I knew I could trust you. Mr. Burns wants me to help him do a heist. Should I do it?
Bart: Sure. If there's one thing I know about crime, it's that the big fish get caught and the little fish get away.
Homer: Hey, it's a contest between two teams put together by a withered skinbag and a Greek playboy. What could go wrong?

Task: Make Homer Practice Heisting
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson Home
Task: Make Aristotle Amadopolis Hire Goons
Time: 6s
Location: Moe's Tavern or Brown House

Aristotle Amadopolis: Listen up, you Calabresi mobsters, if you want in on this job.
Aristotle Amadopolis: It's a simple art heist. No whacking, no kisses of death, and no going to the mattresses.
Dante Calabresi Jr.: What if we're sleepy?
Dante Calabresi Sr.: Shut up, idiota! Don't worry, Mr. A. We'll play nice.
Primo: Until the job is over. But then we have a bone to pick with Fat Tony and his gang!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 4

Homer starts

Aristotle Amadopolis: Okay, mobsters. What's the plan for the heist?
Dante Calabresi Jr.: Woah, slow down. We have to get in the stealing mood, with a practice extra-legal side gig.
Dante Calabresi Sr.: Anything we grab, we can fence down at the mall, at Plunderer Pete's.
Dante Calabresi Jr.: They don't care what truck your stuff “fell off”, they'll buy it.
Dante Calabresi Sr.: And then write a cutesy shoppers guide about it.

Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Task: Build Plunderer Pete's

Mr. Burns: You've assembled quite a team of hoodlums, Aristotle, but I'll still beat you to robbing that museum.
Mr. Burns: I've hired the most depraved scoundrels in Springfield for my team.
Mr. Burns: The barflies at Moe's tavern.

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 5

Homer starts

Justice Agent: Citizen! I am an agent of the International Court of Justice. My jurisdiction is “Little Italy” and all other “Little Tourist Traps”.
Homer: The foreign fuzz. They're not like American cops. You can't bribe them with donuts.
Mr. Burns: Relax. Perhaps a crime wave in a nearby town will draw them away.

Task: Make Burns Pay Small Time Thieves to Jump Town
Time: 4h
Location: Control Building
Task: Tap Justice Agents in Springfield
Task: Send Crooks to Other Springfields
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 6

Homer starts

Apu: Why did I agree to be in on this heist? The only safe-cracking I know about is telling politically correct jokes to my wife.
Homer: Have you thought about beating the safe door with one of your hot dogs?
Apu: I want to open the safe, not reduce it to rubble.

Task: Make Apu Practice Safe Cracking on His Register
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart
Task: Place Gondola in Bonus Area
Task: Place Any Grand Canal in Bonus Area
Task: Reach 1.00% Bonus

Apu: Taking a gondola ride and listening to a yokel pretending to be a gondolier sing “Volaré” has totally chilled me out.
Apu: I am ready to safe-crack my way into Fort Knox!
Apu: Or even more challenging, the safe at the Kwik-E-Mart where they keep the twenty-dollar bills.

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 7

Homer starts

Mr. Burns: Recruits, all good heists need an elaborate plan, which Smithers here is preparing.
Smithers: Once again, I have to protest being made an accessory to a crime.
Mr. Burns: And I protest you being a namby-pamby poo-head. Now get on with it!
Smithers: Fine. Now, before we do anything we have to stake out the target.
Homer: Mmm, steak out.

Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

The Springfield Job Pt. 8

Homer starts

Mr. Burns: Smithers! We must make our move to rob the museum tonight.
Smithers: But the team hasn't memorized the plan.
Homer: We haven't even memorized the title of the plan: “The Plan”.
Mr. Burns: There's no time. I've learned that Aristotle and his goons are going in tomorrow.
Lenny: Wow, you must have some spies.
Mr. Burns: No, he just called me up and said “Nyah nyah, we're going in tomorrow”.

Task: Unlock Act 1 Finale

Aristotle Amadopolis: Neither of us managed to rob the museum. It seems I overestimated you...
Mr. Burns: And I you. Does this mean our contest is over?
Aristotle Amadopolis: No! We will try a heist in a new location. One far from Little Italy and its fattening calzones.
System Message: You have completed the Act 1 story! Keep robbing the museum to keep getting those Pictures of Paintings. Act 2 starts soon!

Quest reward: 200 Event Currency and 20 XP

Don't Go Baroque

Auto starts

Task: Collect Pictures of Paintings
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts

Resurrection of Rigellian Christ

Auto starts

System Message: Let's celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Rigellian Christ! Have some slimy donuts in their name.

Quest reward: 10 Donuts

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 1

Auto starts

Aristotle Amadopolis: Burnsie, our contest is still on. Whoever heists the most loot wins.
Mr. Burns: Very well. But now our target will be the jewels in the Little Tower of Little London.
Smithers: I still think this is a terrible idea.
Mr. Burns: YOU'RE a terrible idea! And another thing: I'm throwing Simpson off the team.
Mr. Burns: Who'd have thought that he could be worse at something than his actual job?

Task: Unlock Tower of Springfield
Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Task: Make Homer Celebrate Being Off the Team
Time: 4h
Location: Fat Tony's Compound or Brown House

Homer: Woo hoo! I'm out of the caper! Now to celebrate by eating a jar of capers.

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 2

Homer starts

Fat Tony: Homer Simpson, a word with you if you please.
Homer: What if I don't please?
Fat Tony: Then say goodbye to your kneecaps.
Homer: I can't live with uncapped knees! What do you want?
Fat Tony: I hear a heist is in the works. Tell me all the details.

Task: Make Homer Spill the Beans
Time: 4h
Location: Fat Tony's Compound or Brown House

Homer: So, Amadopolis and the Calabresi gang are planning to rob the Little Tower of Little London...
Legs: No one does a heist on our territory, boss!
Fat Tony: I am aware of that. In fact, I'm the one that told that to you, you goat cheese.
Legs: You're so amazing, Boss, I can't help repeating things you say. So, what do we do, you goat cheese?
Fat Tony: We do the heist first, with the help of the fatso.
Homer: I assume you're referring to some other fatso, sir.

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 3

Homer starts

Fat Tony: Simpson, you're the one with heist experience, so I'm putting you in charge.
Homer: Okay. One question: is the “wheel man” the guy that goes “whee” when the job is over?
Fat Tony: Don't make me regret my decision. Regrets make me want to whack fatsos.
Homer: I'M in charge. If anyone whacks me, it will be me.

Task: Make Homer “Plan” Heist
Time: 4h
Location: Fat Tony's Compound or Brown House
Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 4

Homer starts

Wiggum: Lou, we've got a crime wave. I have a confidential tip that a major heist is in the works.
Lou: It's not a confidential tip, it's something I told you at this morning's staff meeting.
Wiggum: Lou, we're not here to worry about who gets credit, we're here to get my name in the paper.
Wiggum: I'm installing a Police Call Box in the heart of the crime district.
Wiggum: It's a place we can hide in if we see some scary crime.

Task: Place Police Call Box in Bonus Area
Task: Reach 1.00% Bonus at the Tower of Springfield
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: Here's the plan: we grab the Queen's Royal Carriage and use it to sneak into the Tower.
Fat Tony: Nice. The Tower guards will think we're the Queen coming for a visit.
Homer: Plus, I hear she keeps snacks in the carriage glove compartment.

Task: Make Homer Boost the Queen's Ride
Time: 4h
Location: Tower of Springfield
Task: Unlock Queen's Carriage
Task: Reach 5.00% Bonus at the Tower of Springfield

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

It Only Rains Everyday Pt. 6

Homer starts

Fat Tony: So far, so good, Homer. We're in the carriage. Now to sneak into the Tower.
Louie: We can't sneak! Homer's so heavy the carriage is dragging on the ground.
Homer: It's not my fault! I loaded up on carbs so I'd have plenty of energy for the heist.
Fat Tony: How's that working out?
Homer: My full tummy is making me sleepy.

Task: Unlock Act 2 Finale

Homer: Phew, we all got away safely!
Homer: Except Louie. They beheaded him on Tower Green.
Aristotle Amadopolis: The guards are on alert. We'll never steal the Crown Jewels now.
Mr. Burns: Then we'll have to finish our contest somewhere else. It's time for sudden death.
Smithers: Careful, sir, that's exactly what the doctor said during your last visit.
System Message: You have completed Act 2! Keep robbing the tower to keep getting those Crown-less Jewels. Act 3 starts soon!

Quest reward: 200 Event Currency and 20 XP

Run With Jewels

Auto starts

Task: Collect Crown-Less Jewels
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts

Monte Burns' Casino Heist Pt. 1

Auto starts

Aristotle Amadopolis: So, Montgomery, do you have a final heist in mind?
Mr. Burns: I have the perfect place for a glamorous and elaborate heist: Springfield's biggest casino.
Smithers: Sir, you're forgetting... you own that casino.
Mr. Burns: Of course I own it, you fool. I know every in and out of the place. That's why I'm guaranteed to be the first one to rob it.
Smithers: Sometimes I think it would be easier to be Donald Trump's personal assistant.

Task: Unlock Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

Monte Burns' Casino Heist Pt. 2

Homer starts

Carl: Mr. Burns, if you already own this casino and know everything about it, why do we have to sneak in and case the joint?
Mr. Burns: To lend verisimilitude.
Lenny: I don't know this Vera Similitude, but I'm glad to lend her anything she needs.

Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino

Homer: I don't want to rob this place. They keep bringing me free booze.
Marge: It's not free... they only bring drinks as long as you're losing at blackjack!

Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

Monte Burns' Casino Heist Pt. 3

Homer starts

Fat Tony: Homer, I hear you're involved in a plan to rob a casino.
Homer: Yeah, but I don't think it would interest a mob guy like you. It's a sure thing.
Fat Tony: On the contrary. You just got yourself a silent partner.
Johnny Tightlips: I thought *I* was the silent partner. I'll shut up now.

Task: Make Heisters Plan Heists
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

Monte Burns' Casino Heist Pt. 4

Homer starts

Fernando Vidal: You have reached Fernando Vidal, international assassin. Ask about my two-for-one discounts.
Aristotle Amadopolis: I'm in a contest to see who can do the best heist, and I need you to take out my competition.
Fernando Vidal: Isn't that cheating?
Aristotle Amadopolis: Oh thanks for the lecture, Mr. Hired Killer. Are you in or not?
Fernando Vidal: Fax me the details. I have email, but I love the smell of faxing.

Task: Unlock Fernando's Villa
Task: Reach 6.00% Bonus at the Monte Burns' Resort Casino
Quest reward: 100 Event Currency and 10 XP

Monte Burns' Casino Heist Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: Listen, Fat Tony, after this heist, I'm quitting the game.
Fat Tony: No problem.
Homer: I know I'm the key to your operation, but it's time for me to move on. Maybe raise a family.
Fat Tony: That's fine. Best of luck.
Homer: I'm telling you, I'm done.
Fat Tony: And I'm telling you, great.
Homer: All right, damn you. I'll stay in forever.

Task: Unlock Act 3 Finale
Task: Make Homer Do One Last Job
Time: 4h
Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Tower of Springfield or Monte Burns' Resort Casino

Mr. Burns: Simpson! What did you do with the money you stole from my casino?
Homer: Nothing. Because there was no cash. It was only bags and bags of old paper.
Aristotle Amadopolis: Yes! Because I actually robbed you first!
Aristotle Amadopolis: It was an incredibly clever and cool plan, using thirteen henchmen and a forty megavolt super-magnet. Want to hear the details?
Homer: Nah.
System Message: "The Springfield Jobs" event story completed! Keep clearing Justice Agents and doing heists to bring in more loot!

Quest reward: 200 Event Currency and 20 XP

Higher Stakes

Auto starts

Task: Collect Monte Burns' Casino Chips
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts
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