Forum Discussion

baksinengl89's avatar
9 years ago

This event is annoying

It all depends on how much time you play. If your a freemium player time your tasks and make sure you have the max amount of neighbors. If you have all the Frink Point prizes you can earn extra donuts.

Good luck and hope you can get the last few prizes for Act 2.
  • spidersmakegravy wrote:

    Welcome to the forum :D

    I do understand what you're saying, but I think everybody probably struggles with their first event. Mine was Stonecutters and it was apparent right from the start that I wasn't going to get all the prizes. I was only level 7 when it arrived! But I resigned myself to missing out on a lot of the prizes and thoroughly enjoyed the event - even though I didn't have a clue what was going on!

    Just try to enjoy the event (it's supposed to be fun :D ) and focus on the stuff that you are able to get, rather than the items that are out of reach. FWIW, the final prizes in Act I and II are not that great, so you're really not missing much :lol: Are you crafting lots of wailing walls? They pay out cash and also add a whopping 2.25% to your multiplier which will help you level up more quickly. If you've not already done so, set your campfire to churn out nothing but zombies and build as many wailing walls as you can. And rejoice in 20 free donuts a week for little or no effort. EA are not normally this generous, so in many respects it really has been a great event for newer players.

    So what is the best way to gain more exp? Especially getting that Conform-o-metre to 5 stars.

    What's the best items for me to buy to at my level to help me max out Idolence, Tree Hugging, Vanity and Gluttony in particular. I have only one or two stars in those categories on the Conform-o-metre.

    Now at 212 donuts after completing this weeks challenges, yay. XD
  • baksinengl89 wrote:

    So what is the best way to gain more exp? Especially getting that Conform-o-metre to 5 stars.

    What's the best items for me to buy to at my level to help me max out Idolence, Tree Hugging, Vanity and Gluttony in particular. I have only one or two stars in those categories on the Conform-o-metre.

    Now at 212 donuts after completing this weeks challenges, yay. XD

    I was worse off than this last year so I couldn't get all the prizes (even the ones that cost cash). The best way to earn cash (at first) is to get lots of neighbors and visit them every day. The best opportunity you have now is to craft as many Wailing Walls as you can. Each gives a 2.25% boost to your overall bonus, which increases the amount of XP and cash you collect.

    Indolence = lots of houses (brown houses). Tree hugging = lots of trees. Vanity = almost any decoration. This one is incredibly easy to raise. Gluttony = Khlav Kalash carts.
  • Being level 28 and your last character being Kent Brockman, Cash is your problem. Kent is the level 24 character. If you can build everything your level allows you'll be better off.

    Level 25 Burns Mansion for Smither's
    Level 26 Wiggum House for Ralph Wiggums (helps with campfire)
    Level 27 Budist Temple Lenny and Carl
    Level 28 Mini Golf for Rod and Todd (helps with Campfire)

    That's a bunch of characters that can help you with the event.
    You need to build main buildings in order. If you have the money, I'd immediately start building Burns Mansion. Once it's built and you have the money build Wiggum house. etc.

  • izabellatrix wrote:
    O...kay. I think most of us have played an event where we were new and therefore couldn't get much. For me it was Stonecutters. I literally started at Level 1, right when it was starting. It's perfectly normal. Just don't sweat this one and keep playing so you'll do better in the next event. :)

    I agree with this 100%. Mine was Easter 2014, though I was still low-level during Stonecutters and missed out on a lot there too.

    It gets better and easier as you level up. As it is, this is one of the easiest events they've had in a long time.
  • Sorry,
    events are never designed to new players. They want you to complete some things while working real hard to complete the others, while not having people who are leveled out being bored because it requires only the first 3 characters we get. It's a balance, and unfortunately it is swung to the side of people who have played longer, and who they can count on to spend $$ on the game.

    I know it sucks when you start, but events get better and better as you level up and can complete more
  • johde68 wrote:
    Being level 28 and your last character being Kent Brockman, Cash is your problem. Kent is the level 24 character. If you can build everything your level allows you'll be better off.

    Level 25 Burns Mansion for Smither's
    Level 26 Wiggum House for Ralph Wiggums (helps with campfire)
    Level 27 Budist Temple Lenny and Carl
    Level 28 Mini Golf for Rod and Todd (helps with Campfire)

    That's a bunch of characters that can help you with the event.
    You need to build main buildings in order. If you have the money, I'd immediately start building Burns Mansion. Once it's built and you have the money build Wiggum house. etc.

    Hmm, this is odd - I got the prompts to buy the buildings to unlock Dr Hibbert and Matt Groening but nothing has come up for Smithers or Ralph yet. I am saving money up for them, especially Groening's building which costs quite a lot imo.

    Main storyline wise, I am doing quests for Edna's and Brockmans plotlines.
  • It is no big deal. I have been playing for some time and at maximum level but I missed out on the Gateway prize as well. I am just busy at work and with my kids and underestimated the time. Now in Act 2, we have adults helping get gummies, I was able to get the tenta HQ prize. Just have to play efficiently. Time it when the kids are done with S'mores. Make sure you do the daily House of Evil quests.

    When I started, it was the Stonecutter Event. The Stone Cutter lodge was my fourth building. I had Simpsons house, Ned's house, and a brown house. I really didn't know what was going on and didn't have most of the characters to get much prizes. Just a bunch of stonecutter walls. Much later I got the Daycare Center for free from the mystery box.

    It's tough, but there is plenty more events as you grow your town, money and experience. I built lots of houses to gain cash and exp. I put them in every nook and cranny I can fit. Hide them behind bigger buildings and have several blocks of houses. Don't bother with the brown houses too much. Just have one or two because many characters interact with a brown house.

    TRy to build as much wailing walls and spooky walls. None of this is real. So just have fun.
  • baksinengl89 wrote:
    johde68 wrote:
    Being level 28 and your last character being Kent Brockman, Cash is your problem. Kent is the level 24 character. If you can build everything your level allows you'll be better off.

    Level 25 Burns Mansion for Smither's
    Level 26 Wiggum House for Ralph Wiggums (helps with campfire)
    Level 27 Budist Temple Lenny and Carl
    Level 28 Mini Golf for Rod and Todd (helps with Campfire)

    That's a bunch of characters that can help you with the event.
    You need to build main buildings in order. If you have the money, I'd immediately start building Burns Mansion. Once it's built and you have the money build Wiggum house. etc.

    Hmm, this is odd - I got the prompts to buy the buildings to unlock Dr Hibbert and Matt Groening but nothing has come up for Smithers or Ralph yet. I am saving money up for them, especially Groening's building which costs quite a lot imo.

    Main storyline wise, I am doing quests for Edna's and Brockmans plotlines.

    Here's a link to the walkthroughs if you haven't already found it.

    tstoaddicts also has good guides for earlier levels.

    There's a certain point where you can put a level on hold and build the building for the next level. Cash is definitely the hold up as others have stated when you are starting the game. Try to get your buildings built as soon as you can to get the characters unlocked. You can finish the quests later.

    Getting your conform-o-meter star ratings up will only get you 5% extra and will cost you extra cash you need for the buildings (you'll have to buy a lot of houses/trees etc.). May I suggest crafting as many wailing walls as you can to get your multiplier up instead? Wailing walls give 2.25% each - will help much more and they cost brains, not cash.

    Oh and welcome to the forum!