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LPNintendoITA's avatar
8 years ago

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds!: Walkthrough

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Intro

Auto starts

Homer: Here comes the holiday season! Anyone in the mood for a pre-Thanksgiving flight of three turkeys?
Homer: Or we can just round it up to an even baker's dozen.
Lisa: Dad, please! Just thinking about this upcoming meat massacre gives me serious PTVD.
Homer: Lisa, you know how I feel about acronyms: I.T.M.S. I Don't Get Them.
Lisa: It's Pre-Thanksgiving Vegetarian Depression. And it's very real, even if it's not recognized by the DSM.
Homer: What did I just say about acronyms?!

Task: Make Lisa Escape Her PTVD
Time: 6s
Location: Springfield Elementary

On job start:
Lisa: Hmm... the school computer lab is unlocked. Maybe the reasonable and calming influence of the internet is what I need right now.
Quinn Hopper: Well, if it isn't my little protégé. The zero to my one one zero one one.
Lisa: Quinn?! What are you doing here?
Quinn Hopper: Using the school computers to mask my infiltration of the Department of Homeland... uh, I mean nothing.
Lisa: You got really far into that sentence before changing your mind.

On job end:
Lisa: Every year I feel helpless. What will it take to get people to stop eating so much meat?
Quinn Hopper: You could give them artificial incentives and a false sense of accomplishment?
Lisa: Pssh, who would fall for that?
Quinn Hopper: Ever heard of gamification? It's a great way to get people to do what you want them to. Like waterboarding, if waterboarding cost 99 cents each time.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 1

Auto starts

Lisa: Just a couple more lines of code... and done! My meat alternative app “Tofun” is ready for release!
Bart: I'd question how quickly you turned that app around, but I have no real concept of time between when we talk.
Quinn Hopper: All you need now are a couple of early adopter suckers to beta test it.
Bart: Who would want to test a half-baked app for free?
Homer: Free half-baked apps? Are we talking potato skins or just jalapeno poppers? You know what? Surprise me.
Quinn Hopper: Gamification! Don't make me spell it out... because it's probably not a word. Just tell people they get extra Activist Badges for “early exclusive” use.

Task: Make Lisa Promote Tofun
Time: 3h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Task: Make Springfielders Beta Test Tofun
Time: 3h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Task: Earn Activist Badges

On job end:
Lisa: My day one installs are up to ten! That's twice as many downloads as my last app – Jazz Findr.
Homer: Ten installs?! Lisa, the Meat Council will get word of this. And you know Quimby and Wiggum are in Big Sausage's pocket, ever since they filled their pockets with big sausages!
Lisa: It's only a few users – I doubt they'll care. I think it's safe to say this is the end of this quest!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 2

Auto starts

Lisa: That billboard springs up just a few days after my app? Something's fishy.
Homer: You better hope not! The Fish Lobby makes the Meat Council look like small potatoes. And nobody takes the Guild of Small Potatoes seriously.
Lisa: You sure know a lot about political interest groups, Dad.
Homer: I used to be a lobbyist. Until I found out that didn't just mean stealing luggage from the entrances of fancy hotels.

Task: Make Springfielders Compete on Tofun
Time: 3h
Location: Eatery or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Update Tofun
Time: 3h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Earn Activist Badges

On job end:
Lisa: Why are you walking around with two phones?
Comic Book Guy: Because I can only reap so much enjoyment from topping the Tofun leaderboards, so I'm simultaneously competing in the meat-eating app Beefbettr.
Lisa: A meat-eating game? The Meat Council isn't playing around! Somebody get me my carpal tunnel brace – they just messed with the wrong prodigy app developer.
Lisa: Hmm, that sounded cooler in my head.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 3

Auto starts

Programmer Lisa: Quinn, I think I need to switch up my tactics. But it feels like something is holding me back.
Quinn Hopper: It's your conscience, kid. App development is a dog-eat-dog world.
Programmer Lisa: As a vegetarian I prefer to call it a tempeh-eat-tempeh world.
Programmer Lisa: But you're right. Gamification was only a half-measure. I need to hack the planet!... Now that's the cool line I was looking for!
Quinn Hopper: Hacking, webmasters, firewalls – I love all the great words we made up to describe typing really fast for a long period of time.

Task: Make Programmer Lisa Hack Propaganda
Time: 4h
Location: Meat Propaganda Billboard
Task: Earn Activist Badges
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 4

Auto starts

Apu: Come check out our new all-meat aisle! We have every cut of meat from head to tail… as well as extra heads and tails.
Apu: Hurry in, we're not slashing prices, but we are slashing Best By, Sell By, and Use By dates!
Programmer Lisa: Why is the town suddenly flooded with meat products?
Homer: Mmm, meat flood. It's the feud between those two silly phone games – it's making everyone hungry.
Programmer Lisa: Maybe I bit off more than I can chew. It's time to call in backup. A name that strikes fear into the hearts of meat lovers, and people who don't like to be bothered on the sidewalk.

Task: Make Programmer Lisa Call P.E.T.A. for Backup
Time: 3h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Earn Activist Badges

On job end:
Programmer Lisa: That was useless. They just preached to me over the phone for four hours and then sent me a complimentary can of fur protest red paint.
Programmer Lisa: Plus a copy of their straight-to-DVD movie “Never Meat Me In St. Louis”.
Kent Brockman: We interrupt this little girl's tantrum to bring you breaking news: the app Tofun may be selling your user data.
Kent Brockman: To whom? Russia? We don't know, but this reporter is brave enough to guess wildly. So Russia it is!
Kent Brockman: This segment was brought to you by the renovated Slaughterhouse Restaurant. Now with new and improved blood gutters, and a permanent on-site paramedic!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 5

Auto starts

Programmer Lisa: Somehow, whatever I do, the Meat Council's always one step ahead of me.
Quinn Hopper: Check your source code, sweetie. I think you might have a bug. Or maybe even a rat.
Quinn Hopper: That's why the hacker life can be a lonely one. Imagine having no friends, your only pals are inanimate objects.
Programmer Lisa: Yeah, I can hardly imagine...

Task: Make Programmer Lisa Inspect Source Code
Time: 3h
Location: Benches
Task: Make Gluttons Take the Sir Loin-A-Lot Challenge
Time: 4h
Location: Slaughterhouse Restaurant
Task: Earn Activist Badges

On job start:
Programmer Lisa: What?! I connected Tofun to P.E.T.A.'s alt-veggie database, but these logs suggest they've been sending my data straight to the Meat Council!
Quinn Hopper: An organization that promotes veganism sending user data to a multinational meat conglomerate? A tale as old as time.
System Message: You've been awarded Homer and Bart's "You Don't Win Friends With Salad" animated job!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

On job end:
Programmer Lisa: So my best efforts to help the world just ended up making everything worse?
Homer: Hey, look on the bright side.
Programmer Lisa: Which is?
Homer: I'm sorry, is there more to that expression?
Homer: I wish I could help, sweetie, but I've got reservations at the Slaughterhouse Restaurant. I hear they provide fresh towels for your meat sweats.

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 1

Lisa starts

Programmer Lisa: You know what they say, if you aren't a one, you're a zero. I can't let this failure keep me down.
Homer: Meh, if you can't beat failure, might as well join it.
Programmer Lisa: Thanks, Dad. I always get inspired talking to you.
Programmer Lisa: Because you remind me of exactly what not to do. I need a new app to make everyone forget Tofun. What about an app that creates even healthier salad recipes?
Homer: Lisa, I'm going to tell you what I think about the app in the only way I know how... song!

Task: Make Programmer Lisa Code Under the Sun
Time: 8h
Location: Benches
If This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds Pt. 5 was completed: Task: Make Homer and Bart Do the “You Don't Win Friends With Salad” Dance
Time: 4h
Requires: Bart
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 2

Lisa starts

Programmer Lisa: Salad Tossr only got one download from one user - HotScotsmen.
Willie: And I want me money back! That app was not what I was hoping for.
Programmer Lisa: Maybe I should think LIKE an app to create an app. I'll just gamify myself.
Bart: That's dumber than Tossr's ‘No Dressing Blessing'. And yes, I stole Willie's phone and second his request for a refund.
Programmer Lisa: If I had already gamified myself, this act of listening to you would give me donuts.
Bart: Donuts?
Programmer Lisa: Whatever the in-game currency will be. Not sure why I said donuts...

Task: Make Programmer Lisa Gamify Herself
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 3

Lisa starts

Programmer Lisa: By gamifying myself I realized that I just need to gamify others. Hmm, this isn't starting to sound like a cult, is it?
Programmer Lisa: Anyway, my new app allows people to gamify whatever they want!
Homer: This is making my head hurt. Can you get Daddy his medicine?
Programmer Lisa: You mean a beer? Well if you get one yourself, this app will give you 50 points.
Homer: Points! I like the sound of points!

Task: Make Homer Drink to Get a High Score
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Springfielders Gamify Themselves
Time: 4h
Location: Shop

On job end:
Programmer Lisa: People are using my app left and right. Let me check the leaderboard and see how much good they are rewarding themselves for.
Programmer Lisa: Oh no! No one is using it to do good. They are just reinforcing their horrible behavior. Even Sideshow Bob set a point value for murdering Bart.
Homer: Don't delete this app! I have the high score in drinking! I'm even beating Barney. My confidence is soaring – just like my BAC!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Thanksgiving 2017

Auto starts

Homer: It's finally here! The only holiday that really matters! No religion, no politics, no gifts to waste money on, just absurd amounts of food.
Lisa: But Dad, without religion and politics, what will family members yell at each other about around the table?
Homer: Just give me this ONE day to gorge myself in peace!
Lisa: You asked for that day yesterday.
Homer: What? Oh, yeah.
System Message: Happy Thanksgiving! Treat yourself to your own vast troughs of food, with some donuts on top!
Quest reward: 10 Donuts, and Outdoor Feast Table or Cornucopia

Sergeant Syntax Pt. 1

Quinn Hopper starts

Quinn Hopper: Thousands of apps released everyday, each one more garbage than the last. Recyclr, Dumpstr, Trashbax…. Wait, these actually ARE garbage apps.
Quinn Hopper: These pencil pushers lack the guidance to create anything truly brilliant. Like, for instance… an app that lets you push... pencils?
Quinn Hopper: Grr, maybe I need some help direct from the source code.

Task: Make Quinn Hopper Consult CONRAD
Time: 8h
Location: CONRAD
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Sergeant Syntax Pt. 2

Quinn Hopper starts

Quinn Hopper: I'm still not sure why we programmed an AI robot to have so many neuroses… But, CONRAD did give me a decent idea.
Quinn Hopper: Instead of creating apps, I should become a consultant and tell OTHER people how to create apps.
Quinn Hopper: Half the hours, twice the pay, all while doing none of the work while taking all of the credit. What a time to be alive!

Task: Make Quinn Hopper Insult Student's Code
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Sergeant Syntax Pt. 3

Quinn Hopper starts

Quinn Hopper: Man yelling at all those kids' apps makes me need some JAVA. Now to give them all grades: C, C+, C++.
Quinn Hopper: Let's see what child I'm debugging next.
Lunchlady Dora: You're on lice check duty too? Welcome aboard.
Quinn Hopper: Wait, zero students today? Outrage! Who am I supposed to insult? I mean constructively criticize.
Quinn Hopper: You there! Your glasses are DUMB!
Hans Moleman: Oooooooohhhhh. Someone take me to the hospital, because I just got burned! No, seriously, I need help.

Task: Make Quinn Hopper Debate Tabs Versus Spaces
Time: 24h
Location: Java Server
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Sergeant Syntax Pt. 4

Quinn Hopper starts

Quinn Hopper: Finally, a new student. He has all the look of a nerd but I'm worried none of the brains.
Milhouse: Not all nerds are smart! That's prejudicial. Some of us are just losers!
Quinn Hopper: Genius has come from more unusual places. Before Steve Jobs created Apple, he was just a trespasser on Reed's campus.
Milhouse: Do you really think my app Bed Wettr could be the next big hit?
Quinn Hopper: Your app is called Bed Wettr. Do I even want to know what it does?
Milhouse: It's an app that reminds you to get up out of bed and use the bathroom. Also you get points for any accidents during the day.
Quinn Hopper: Did your phone just beep?
Milhouse: I just got 1000 soaked sheet points! Unrelated, do you have any extra culottes?

Task: Make Quinn Hopper Insult Everything Milhouse Has Ever Written
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Requires: Milhouse
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Clown's Got a Brand-New Coat Pt. 1

Krusty starts

Krusty: I'll do it!
Blue Haired Lawyer: I didn't tell you the job.
Krusty: I like the mystery.
Blue Haired Lawyer: And I like the lack of culpability. You can expect one to five thousand dollars. Half of that will be partitioned for-
Krusty: Finally! Something to live for – Money! Papa needs a brand new coat! I lost my last one in a high steaks poker game. Couldn't get those meat stains out.

Task: Make Krusty Buy a New Coat
Time: 4h
Location: Shop
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Clown's Got a Brand-New Coat Pt. 2

Krusty starts

Coat of Foxes Krusty: Do you like my new coat? Four out of five pimps approve, and the fifth one was arrested.
Blue Haired Lawyer: That looks... excessively expensive. How much did it cost?
Coat of Foxes Krusty: Price is just a number. Like age or amount of DUIs.
Coat of Foxes Krusty: Besides you said I have money coming in from this deal. What Krusty photo do they want to stamp on the product? I've got all the shots: before, after, mug.
Blue Haired Lawyer: This is for the Meat Council. Most of that money should have been used for-
Coat of Foxes Krusty: Sorry, the coat is hungry. If I don't feed these foxes every three hours, they'll turn on me.

Task: Make Coat of Foxes Krusty Feed the Fur
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Clown's Got a Brand-New Coat Pt. 3

Krusty starts

Blue Haired Lawyer: The Meat Council expects the money to be used to update their educational video.
Coat of Foxes Krusty: WHAT? I have to work for this money. What do I look like? The 99 percent?
Blue Haired Lawyer: Not in that coat. Are all the foxes wearing tiny crowns?
Coat of Foxes Krusty: I know! I'll hire a film student and pay them in IMDB credits!

Task: Make Coat of Foxes Krusty Splice Together Standup Video
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Clown's Got a Brand-New Coat Pt. 4

Krusty starts

Coat of Foxes Krusty: It took me exploiting hundreds, if not thousands of aspiring directors but I finally finished the 30-second video.
Blue Haired Lawyer: The Meat Council loves the experimental animation and the black and white. But they want you to reedit it so that you mention the word meat once in the project.
Coat of Foxes Krusty: Having never seen this film, I can tell you, it's perfect the way it is.
Blue Haired Lawyer: They did offer some finishing funds to help-
Coat of Foxes Krusty: More coat money! Let's get these foxes girlfriends!

Task: Make Coat of Foxes Krusty Be More Exotic
Time: 8h
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Deep Fried Death

Homer starts

Homer: Deuce's Caboose! Risen from its hot dog watery grave!
Lisa: Didn't it also explode?
Homer: We're living in a post-fact society Lisa. Don't think too hard about it.
Homer: I'll take the re-fried deep-fried chili fries. Side of lard. And hold the napkins. I want this one to soak in.

Task: Make Homer Order One of Everything
Time: 4h
Location: Deuce's Caboose Chili Dogs
Task: Make Gluttons Eat Between Heart Attacks
Time: 4h
Location: Deuce's Caboose Chili Dogs
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Black Friday 2017

Auto starts

System Message: It’s Gil’s favorite time of the year! When no one yells at him for sleeping outside a store! Black Friday Mystery Boxes are in the store now!
System Message: The Gold Box is now in the store, and the first hit is free!

Quest reward: 1 Gold Box Token

System Message: Purchase Donuts to get more tokens for the Gold Box!

Cyber Monday 2017

Auto starts

System Message: It's Gil's second favorite time of the year! Featuring a Cyber Monday Box, TV's favorite murderous robots, and slightly less trampling! In stores now!

Robotic Rebellion

Auto starts

Homer: The robot rebellion is finally upon us! Please, oh mechanical overlords, allow me to serve you and betray my fleshy brethren.
Bart: Dad, we already defeated the robots once. All we need is a camera with a flash bulb.
Homer: Yeah, but when was the last time you saw an actual camera? It's every man for himself!
Homer: Take the boy, robot masters! He blasphemes your glory!

Task: Tap Itchy & Scratchy Bot

On job end:
Homer: Looks like we defeated all the robots. By outsourcing their destruction to the Sky Finger. Ah, outsourcing, another gift from corporate America.
Bart: Yeah, but what about the next time machines try to destroy our society? Should we prepare?
Homer: What did you say? I just beat level 500 of Happy Elves.
Bart: Hmm, maybe they've already won.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP