Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
10 years ago

Thanksgiving 2015 ***WALKTHROUGH*** (Link to Black Friday inside)

Turkey Talk

Auto starts

Homer: Lisa! A scary tiny dinosaur has escaped from the Springfield Jurassic Funstation.
Lisa: I've told you a million times, Dad, "The Jurassic Funstation" is something you made up entirely in your head.
Homer: You're the one who told me that dinosaurs are feathered, scaly bipeds. So what's that?
Lisa: A turkey.

Task: Tap Turkey

Homer: Aah! It turned into a drumstick.
Cecil Terwilliger: It's the latest fantastic breakthrough from Monsarno labs! A turkey that turns itself into edible parts.
Cecil Terwilliger: Like all our riskiest genetic modifications, it immediately escaped into the wild.
Lisa: It’s an environmental catastrophe! What if they breed with wild turkeys?
Homer: ... problem solved.

Turkey Talk Too

Homer starts

Bart: Whoa, Dad, you pulled out the deep fryer. Did the doctor warn you that your arteries might be de-plaquing?
Homer: Deep-frying is the best way to cook turkey. And potatoes. And twinkies.
Homer: In fact, it’s the best way to cook everything but pork chops.
Homer: There is no wrong way to cook pork chops.

Task: Make Homer Deep Fry and Eat Turkey
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Homer: Mmm, deep fried deliciousness. The only way a turkey should be made.
Ned: No, you should bake it! God told us when he made Moses spend 40 years baking in the desert.
System Message: Everyone's got turkey on the brain. Stuff yourself with Thanksgiving content!

King-Size Debate

Homer starts

Lou: Chief, we got a mob fighting downtown. Seems they're arguing over the best way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey.
Wiggum: I have strong opinions about that! Let's go join in!
Lou: No, no, we're the police. We're supposed to stop mob fights.
Wiggum: You're just saying that because your turkey recipe sucks.
Lou: You don't even know my recipe. I have a great recipe!
Wiggum: That's it. Police mob fight.

Task: Make Springfield Adults Angrily Debate Turkey Prep
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Homer: Fry it!
Ned: Bake it!
Carl: Roast it!
Lenny: Grill it!
Wiggum: Did anyone say brining?
Lou: Do you even know what brining is, Chief?
Wiggum: I know it's something you didn't say first. I call brining!

King-Sized Judgement

Homer starts

Quimby: Fellow citizens, we cannot let an argument about turkey preparation tear our town apart.
Quimby: We must save our energy for more important issues, like what are the best side dishes.
Lenny: Cranberry!
Quimby: Yes, that's a good one. We shall determine the best turkey recipe with a fair contest -- the Springfield Fowl Face-Off. Everyone will submit a turkey sample for judging.
Lisa: But who's going to be the judge?
Quimby: Good question. We need someone independent, wise, hungry, and married.
Lisa: Why married?
Quimby: So that he's stopped caring how fat he looks.

Task: Make Fatsos Apply to Judge the Turkey Contest
Time: 6s
Location: Town Hall, Brown House or Simpson House
Characters: Homer, Comic Book Guy, Wiggum, Luigi, Chalmers, Judge Snyder, Dr. Hibbert, Bumblebee Man, The Rich Texan

Quimby: After reviewing hundreds of applications for a turkey contest judge, I've chosen the man I was going to choose anyway: Homer Simpson.
Marge: Homer, please don't be the judge of this turkey-malurkey.
Marge: I had a dream where you were dying with two turkey drumsticks stuffed up your nose.
Homer: Only two? That does sound bad.

Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 1

Homer starts

Tribe Chief: My son, I couldn't help overhearing. Judging this contest is a grave responsibility. I will send you on a vision quest to decide if this task is yours.
Homer: Great Tribal Chief, you are noble and true. Hand over the funky peyote and I will go on my trip... I mean “quest.”
Tribe Chief: The spirits of your ancestors will guide you. Meanwhile, I'll have more time to work on my awesome smoked turkey recipe.
System Message: The Tribal Chief has returned to Springfield to distract you with a vision quest.

Task: Make Homer Go on a Vision Quest
Time: 60m
Task: Gather Drumsticks

Homer: What an amazing vision. The spirits showed me a simple path to better health, less drinking, higher income, and a richer and more fulfilling life.
Homer: Anyway, back to gobbling massive amounts of turkey.

Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: Mmm, your smoked turkey is delicious, Tribal Chief. A definite contender.
Lisa: Dad, you've already tasted the turkey, why are you eating all the rest of it?
Homer: Tribal Chief told me to.
Tribe Chief: Our people believe no part of the animal should go to waste.
Tribe Chief: Also, if he fills up on my turkey, maybe he won't have room to eat and judge anyone else's.
Bart: You don't know much about my dad, do you?
Lisa: Oh no! He's choking on the wishbone. Someone save him!
Tribe Chief: No, Lisa. Our people believe that when your ancestors call you to the Great Beyond, a brave warrior should go willingly.
Tribe Chief: Also, if he dies after judging only my entry I win automatically.

Task: Make Ghost Homer Give Real Homer a Heimlich
Time: 3h
Task: Gather Drumsticks

Homer: Phew, thanks, Ghost Me. You always have our back.

Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 3

Homer starts

Cletus: How do you lak my turkey, Your Honor?
Homer: It tastes like a hillbilly.
Cletus: I soaks it in XXX white lightnin' then cooks it in the barn so it absorbs the aroma of donkey and chicken making.
Brandine: Cletus, get yer cookin' stuff out of the barn. Where are the kids supposed to play, do their homework, and sleep?
Quimby: The contest is going swimmingly, unlike one of my previous girlfriends. Turkeys are coming in from every Springfielder.
Homer: Then it's time to get serious. Marge, let out my pants.
Marge: I let them out as much as I can. The sewing machine refuses to work when it sees me coming with your pants.
Homer: Then it's time to visit the professionals.

Task: Make Homer Visit the Vast Waistband
Time: 7h
Location: The Vast Waistband
Task: Gather Drumsticks

Quimby: Clear your palate, Judge. We have another truckload of Springfielder turkey incoming.
Homer: A truckload?! This simple dinner table doesn't give me enough range to eat as much and as fast as I need.
Homer: However, I have come up with plans for a much more sophisticated device.
Lisa: It's a circle with little food scribbles on it...
Homer: It is a three hundred and sixty degree buffet that I sit inside.
Homer: I will have achieved man's greatest dream: to have food coming at him from every direction.

Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 4

Homer starts

Apu: As a vegetarian, I cannot cook turkey, but I would like to submit this entry made of Kwik-E-Mart Brand Tofurkey.
Lisa: Why, Apu? Indians don't even celebrate Thanksgiving.
Apu: No, but we are incredibly competitive.
Apu: Also, I am desperate to promote Kwik-E-Mart Tofurkey, because no one on earth is buying it.
Homer: Fine, place it at position south by southwest on my buffet. That’s where the weird indie stuff goes.

Task: Make Homer Enjoy a 360 Degree Buffet
Time: 4h
Location: 360 Degree Buffet Table
Task: Gather Drumsticks

Homer: I never thought I'd say this, but I only want to eat nine or ten more whole turkeys.
Quimby: No time to wimp out now, Judge. Another container of turkeys is coming off the ship.
Homer: Ship?! I thought this was a Springfield competition.
Quimby: Uh, there were some billionaire contributors to my campaign who demanded a chance to win.
Professor Frink: Fret not, Homer. I have an invention that will increase your already impressive rate of gobbling by 200%.
Professor Frink: I call it the Turkey Stuffer*. The * indicates that it is not a device for placing stuffing into turkeys, but rather for stuffing turkeys into a human being.
Professor Frink: Like all true science, it is an utter abomination against God's order.

Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: I never want to eat another turkey.
Homer: I hate it so much.
Homer: The very thought of turkey sickens me.
Quimby: The latest batch is ready for judging.
Homer: Hey, where’s that machine that helps me gobble turkeys?

Task: Make Homer Eat Turkey at Maximum Efficiency
Time: 16h
Location: Turkey Stuffer*

Quimby: Homer, it's time for you to pick the winner of the first and hopefully last ever Springfield Turkey Contest!
Quimby: Homer? Homer?!
Lisa: He's asleep. He's eaten so much tryptophan he'll probably be out for a month.
Tribe Chief: If the judge can't decide, the winner is the tribal chief who had his turkey eaten first. That's me!
Quimby: I don't recall that rule. But I hate recalls.
Quimby: So, like all Springfield contests, the prize goes to the person who cheated hardest.
System Message: Congratulations on completing Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble! But the story doesn't end here. Check out how King-Size Homer deals with his new girth.

The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 1

Homer starts

King-Size Homer: Hey, look at me! I'm enormous!
King-Size Homer: The jiggling fat is mesmerizing.
Marge: This is terrible, Homie. Can you even move yourself around?
King-Size Homer: Not without a lot of effort. And effort is the one thing the fat man avoids.
King-Size Homer: Like every great person of girth, I will preserve my dignity by riding around on a tiny scooter.

Task: Make King-Size Homer Ride Around Town
Time: 8h

Mr. Burns: Smithers, please tell me that lard-filled balloon I just saw riding around town doesn't work for me.
Smithers: I'm afraid so, sir. Homer Simpson.
Mr. Burns: I won't have fatties around the plant. They always turn out to be wise-offs or union men.
Smithers: It's against labor regulations to fire a man because he's overweight.
Mr. Burns: I suppose it's against labor regulations to drop him through my trap door.
Smithers: No, but I don't think he'd fit.
Mr. Burns: Damn it, Smithers, you're the one who told me to save money by going for the medium diameter trap door!
Mr. Burns: I guess we'll just have to let him work from home.
System Message: Get Homer's Work From Home Station so he can do work without putting his pants on!

The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 2

Homer starts

Bart: Dad, do we really have to go to the beach? First off, you're wearing a Speedo, and second, I can't even see it because of your fat folds.
King-Size Homer: Yes... I'm definitely... wearing something... under my fat folds.

Task: Make King-Size Homer Let it All Hang Out at the Beach
Time: 6h
Location: Beach or River

Bart: Hey everyone, check out the white whale that beached itself!
Lenny: It's so sad and ugly. Grab it's flesh bags and roll it into the water.
King-Size Homer: I'm not a white whale, I'm a lightly tanned fatso! Don't treat me like an animal.
Moe: Like an animal is also how we treat fat people.

The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 3

Homer starts

Marge: Homer, this is ridiculous. Your mass is so large you have two small moons orbiting you.
King-Size Homer: Marge, that's offensive fat-shaming.
King-Size Homer: It's not my fault that God made me a man who chose to get gigantic so he could work from home.
King-Size Homer: I'm going to find a fat support group on the internet.
King-Size Homer: No matter how crazy your ideas are, there's always 200 people online who'll agree with you.

Task: Make King-Size Homer Chat Online with a Fat Support Group
Time: 16h
Location: Java Server or Simpson House

On job start:
Bart: Hey Homer, you learning anything from your online fat support group?
King-Size Homer: Yes. Nothing puts on weight like freemium gaming.

The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 4

Homer starts

King-Size Homer: Marge, my dinner! Something happened to it. Something awful!
Marge: I made you a salad.
King-Size Homer: But I'm a growing boy! I put on over fifty pounds just today.
King-Size Homer: I'm going to the place where they support and love the chronically obese: Krusty Burger.
Lisa: You were banned from Krusty Burger because the sight of you was scaring other diners into wanting to eat healthier.
Bart: Also, you couldn't fit through the door.
King-Size Homer: They foiled me with their normal-sized doors. But they can't keep me out of the drive-thru.

Task: Reach Level 7 and Build Krusty Burger
Task: Make King-Size Homer Walk Through Drive-Thru
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger

On job start:
Squeaky Voice Teen: I'm sorry, sir, but the drive-thru is cars only.
King-Size Homer: Are you saying I can't eat here because I'm a person?
Squeaky Voice Teen: I'm saying you weigh as much as a truck, and you'll damage the pavement.

The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 5

Homer starts

Marge: Homer, I've been hoping you'll come to your senses and lose some weight, but it just isn't happening.
Marge: So I have no choice but to use extremely wifely measures.
King-Size Homer: If you mean you're going to deny me sex, when I'm this fat that's a little redundant.
Marge: I'm going to nag you.
King-Size Homer: The ultimate weapon!
King-Size Homer: Well, do your worst.

Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Marge Nag Homer About His Weight
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Get Whipped into Shape
Time: 30m
Requires: Mr. Burns

Lisa: Mom, your nagging worked! Dad is thin again.
Marge: Actually, I didn't nag your father. I nagged Sky Finger.
Marge: That person can do anything.
Mrs. Bouvier Raccomandation

Auto starts on November 23rd at 8am GMT

Marge: Mom?! What are you doing in my kitchen?
Mrs. Bouvier: Everyone is making turkey. I wanted to share my recipe with my family.
Marge: It’s two in the morning. How did you even get in?
Mrs. Bouvier: I’ve had a key made to every place you’ve ever lived. While you sleep, I lurk.
System Message: Here's your chance to bring the whole family together. Jacqueline Bouvier is in the store!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Auto start on November 26th at 8am GMT

System Message: In the spirit of giving thanks, have 7 donuts on the house!

Homer: Seven lousy donuts?! That's chump change compared to the last few holiday giveaways.
System Message: You're right. We're always listening, so have 5 more donuts!

Homer: They're going to raise the minimum wage at the plant. Which means your 12 donuts aren't worth as much to me anymore.
Homer: How about that climate change? We need to have a stockpile of donuts to keep us warm!
System Message: Okay, fine. Have a few more. But don't push your luck, you Thanksgiving jerk.

Reward: 15 Donuts

  • Work From Home Station

    Homer starts

    King-Size Homer: This work from home station has everything I need!
    King-Size Homer: Plus-sized chair for my sexily large rear end.
    King-Size Homer: Large keys for my sausage fingers.
    King-Size Homer: And a megaphone I can use to order my kids to push the buttons.

    Task: Work From Home
    Time: 2h
    Location: Work From Home Station

    Lisa: How's working from home, Dad?
    King-Size Homer: Fantastic. I'm just as productive as if I was at the plant.
    Lisa: Meaning you accomplished nothing.
    King-Size Homer: I ate all the leftovers in the fridge. That's something.
    System Message: Finish Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble by December 1st to unlock a special King-Size Homer animated job!

    Bart Balloon

    Auto starts

    Bart: Finally, a giant balloon celebrating Springfield's most awesome kid. It looks just like me.
    Lisa: Not quite. The real you is more gas-filled.
    Bart: Eat my helium shorts!


    Lisa starts

    Sacagawea Lisa: Looks like we have a lot of Thanksgiving leftovers.
    Puritan Flanders: Maybe we could roll the table outside and let the wild critters have at it.
    Sacagawea Lisa: I find it hard to believe an animal would eat anything my father passed on.
    Sacagawea Lisa: But let's give it a try.

    Task: Place Outdoor Feast Table
    Task: Make Sacagawea Host a Peace Feast for Puritan Flanders
    Time: 10h
    Location: Outdoor Feast Table
    Requires: Ned
  • Turkey Talk

    Auto starts

    Task: Tap Turkey

    Turkey Talk Too

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Homer Deep Fry and Eat Turkey
    Time: 6s
    Location: Simpson House

    King-Size Debate

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Springfield Adults Angrily Debate Turkey Prep
    Time: 6s
    Location: Simpson House

    King-Sized Judgement

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Fatsos Apply to Judge the Turkey Contest
    Time: 6s
    Location: Town Hall, Brown House or Simpson House
    Characters: Homer, Comic Book Guy, Wiggum, Luigi, Chalmers, Judge Snyder, Dr. Hibbert, Bumblebee Man, The Rich Texan

    Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 1

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Homer Go on a Vision Quest
    Time: 60m
    Task: Gather Drumsticks

    Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 2

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Ghost Homer Give Real Homer a Heimlich
    Time: 3h
    Task: Gather Drumsticks

    Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 3

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Homer Visit the Vast Waistband
    Time: 7h
    Location: The Vast Waistband
    Task: Gather Drumsticks

    Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 4

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Homer Enjoy a 360 Degree Buffet
    Time: 4h
    Location: 360 Degree Buffet Table
    Task: Gather Drumsticks

    Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 5

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Homer Eat Turkey at Maximum Efficiency
    Time: 16h
    Location: Turkey Stuffer*

    The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 1

    Homer starts

    Task: Make King-Size Homer Ride Around Town
    Time: 8h

    The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 2

    Homer starts

    Task: Make King-Size Homer Let it All Hang Out at the Beach
    Time: 6h
    Location: Beach or River

    The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 3

    Homer starts

    Task: Make King-Size Homer Chat Online with a Fat Support Group
    Time: 16h
    Location: Java Server or Simpson House

    The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 4

    Homer starts

    Task: Reach Level 7 and Build Krusty Burger
    Task: Make King-Size Homer Walk Through Drive-Thru
    Time: 4h
    Location: Krusty Burger

    The Fat and the Futilest Pt. 5

    Homer starts

    Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
    Task: Make Marge Nag Homer About His Weight
    Time: 30m
    Location: Simpson House
    Task: Make Homer Get Whipped into Shape
    Time: 30m
    Requires: Mr. Burns
    Mrs. Bouvier Raccomandation

    Auto starts on November 23rd at 8am GMT

    Text only

    Happy Thanksgiving 2015

    Auto start on November 26th at 8am GMT

    Text only

    Reward: 15 Donuts

  • Work From Home Station

    Homer starts

    Task: Work From Home
    Time: 2h
    Location: Work From Home Station

    Bart Balloon

    Auto starts

    Text only


    Lisa starts

    Task: Place Outdoor Feast Table
    Task: Make Sacagawea Host a Peace Feast for Puritan Flanders
    Time: 10h
    Location: Outdoor Feast Table
    Requires: Ned
  • Easter Eggs Hunt

    After starting Gobble, Gobble, Toil and Trouble Pt. 1

    Task: Send a Dimwit to Hunt For Turkeys
    Time: 2h
    Location: Brown House
    Characters: Homer, Cletus, Grampa Simpson, Chief Wiggum, Duffman, Otto, Dr. Nick, Barney, Ralph, Lenny, Barbarian, Chester Dupree, Sea Captain, Wolfcastle, Drederick Tatum

    Task: Send a Saint to Bless the Turkeys
    Time: 2h
    Location: Brown House
    Characters: Ned, Rev. Lovejoy, Father Sean, Helen Lovejoy, Rod, Todd, Maude

    Task: Send a High Roller to Import Gourmet Turkeys
    Time: 2h
    Location: Brown House
    Characters: Mr. Burns, Krusty, Mayor Quimby, Hank Scorpio, Kent Brockman, Fat Tony, The Rich Texan, Bernice Hibbert, Roger Meyers Jr., Wolfcastle, Mr. Costington, Mrs. Quimby, Stacy Lowell

    Reward: Cornucopia