Forum Discussion

indieauthorALH's avatar
10 years ago

Too many conflicting questlines?

indieauthorALH wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I've been a big TSTO fan for as long as I've been a player, just over 2 years now. I want to keep playing at least through the next Halloween event, because the last two have been so fun, but I don't know if I can hang in there through all the conflicting questlines/demands happening currently.

To keep earning enough AB to hit the daily and weekly prize targets I must keep on top of who's assigned to what tasks and for how long---I know this is just a typical part of playing the game, but the prize target timeframes and requirements just seem tighter than usual this time around, and it also seems like there are more conflicts this time around: the same Springfielders required on multiple tasks/quests (e.g., ongoing tap ball -related quests and tasks, daily "training" tasks, 4th of July, Burns with the softball quests, Bart & D's separate questline, Alley McBalls---it's getting hard to keep track of who's doing what, for how long, and on which questline). I also need to keep playing as many tap ball games as possible to keep upgrading my players (and earning the AB for the weekly prizes). Meanwhile the game nags me to buy stadium upgrades (that it seems like I'll eventually earn with AB anyway) every time I log in. Finally, it seems I can't get through my daily neighbor visits without being kicked out of the game several times. The number of premium items folded into the tap ball event and 4th of July events is kind of annoying too.

Again, I'm not just game-bashing. I've loved TSTO for a long time. But lately, playing feels more like a chore than fun and it makes me wonder if Halloween and Christmas will be just as demanding this year. :?

+1. I love the game but it is becoming a chore, i have enough of that irl.