I've visited many forums in my time, TSTO is a very black and white forum, by this I mean 2 distinct groups, those in the clique and those who aren't.
EVERY forum has a core, this isn't always a bad thing. But when that core starts to react as one against anyone who dares question the forums sole foundation (EA and Simpsons in this case) people will feel pushed a side, as views differ. If enough people berate the person with a differing view then they're either gonna not bother posting in future or retaliate, this is what normally happens here.
I'm not taking a pop at any one person here, this is just a very general overview from someone who doesn't get to involved in the forum politics. It's a great place to find information out, and as long as you're not dissing EA or the game its fairly friendly place. But cross that line and it becomes a very intolerant forum.
Focus on the good things, yes you will get trolls, everywhere gets them. But don't confuse a troll post with someone who's trying to vent their frustration at the game in a language that's not their primary. some people are just misunderstood and labeled wrongly, some complainers are a lot younger than you imagine this is a game aimed at kids as well as bigger kids (that's me btw)
You won't solve all the issues over night, some may never get solved at all but as long as the forum as a whole is trying to move forward and be a little more patient things will smooth out.
Welcome your new members, these are the life blood of your site, as they will replace those who unplug from the game, most games have a life span and will only "grip" people for a certain amount of time.
Like I've already said, I'm not singling anyone out. Sometimes its good to take a step back and seem things as a whole.
You have my permission to flame me down, I'm very thick skinned