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9 years ago

Treehouse of Horror XXVII: Act 1 Walkthrough

Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 1

Auto starts
Homer: Ooh, it's Halloween season again -- the time of year when all our nightmares come true!
Lisa: What?! Oh no! I had the worst nightmare ever last night.
Homer: Ooh, what was it? Werewolves? Draculas? I can't wait to see what kind of monsters we get to squish this year.
Lisa: It was about not getting into college. My safety school became my “reach” school.
Homer: Pfft, that's not a monster. I guess I'll have to have the nightmare starting this thing myself.

Task: Make Lisa Comfort Herself with Ivy League Brochures
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Guzzle NyQuil and have a Monster-Filled Nightmare
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 2

Auto starts

Lisa: If I'm going to get into a school with even a vine of Ivy on it, I need to make my mark. But I have no real talents. How do talentless people make a mark?
Homer: Showbiz?
Lisa: That's it, I'll make a student film! Now I just need to come up with a subject.
Homer: Well, the town is about to be overrun with the monsters I dreamed up. They're fast this year too! Maybe something with that?
Lisa: I've never really been a fan of genre movies. But horror films do perform pretty solid at the box office.

Task: Make Lisa Watch Bad Old Movies for Inspiration
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 3

Auto starts

Quimby: Citizens of, er, Springfield! As evil monsters invade our fair city, rest assured I, as Mayor, can handle the situation.
Quimby: That's why it's so crucial you all sacrifice your lives to protect me.
Sideshow Mel: I subscribe to the plan, ignoring the faulty logic behind it!
Lisa: Regular people fighting savage monsters. This might make a cool indie film and get me noticed by the Dean of the Springfield Film Academy!
Lisa: Although, they don't have a Dean. The head of it is just a teacher that's been there long enough to have his own key.
Lisa: Still, praise is praise! I'll do it!
Quest Reward: Filmmaker Lisa
Task: Make Filmmaker Lisa Start a Film Project
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House

Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 4

Auto starts

Death: Lisa Simpson?
Filmmaker Lisa: Death? Are you here for me or another polar bear? I know I shouldn't say this, but please let it be the polar bear.
Death: Actually neither. I'm with the Monster Actors Guild. I'm here because you're using monster actors but haven't done the paperwork.
Filmmaker Lisa: I'm so sorry. I'll get right on that. I'm very pro-union, like a young Crystal Lee Sutton. Look it up, it's a really good reference.
Death: Terrific. And since I'm in town, I hear you have a polar bear here at your zoo…
Task: Place MAG Office
Task: Make Filmmaker Lisa Work Through MAG Paperwork
Time: 6s
Location: MAG Office

Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 5

Auto starts

Homer: Um, Lisa? Mom says you're making a movie. Also something about taking out the trash, but tell me about the movie!
Filmmaker Lisa: It's my college submission. Using real attacking monsters will show that I can capture excitement and stay within a budget. FOX movies don't do either of those things!
Homer: I assume you not asking me to be the star is your way of begging me to be the star. Well, your strategy of ambivalence worked. I'll do it!
Moe: Homer, we gotta go! The monsters are attacking. One of them even crushed the car I was hoping to live in. It had airbags I was gonna use for pillows and everything.
Task: Tap 10 Feral Monsters
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 1

Homer starts

Homer: Those monster actors are real jerks.
Homer: Just because they're better actors than me doesn't make them better actors than me.
Barney: Some stars get by without being good actors. Like the way Meryl Streep sang in “Mamma Mia”.
Homer: Great idea! No one is better at being the center of unwanted attention than me. The only acting teacher I need is getting drunk to the point of foolish decisions!
Task: Make Homer Defeat a Giant Monster
Time: 4h
Location: Giant Monster
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 2

Lisa starts

Filmmaker Lisa: Now that I'm a filmmaker, who should I style myself after? Kurosawa? Fellini? The not-crappy Spielberg films?
Homer: Hey Lisa, did you film me when I used socks as oven mitts to put a can of gravy in the microwave and it exploded? Then I used the socks as napkins and bandages.
Filmmaker Lisa: I guess I'll be whoever directed the “Jackass” films.
Homer: I love those! One guy snorted wasabi!

Task: Make Filmmaker Lisa Experiment with Film Styles
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 3

Lisa starts

Filmmaker Lisa: Dad! You keep walking into my shot!
Homer: Do I? Or is the camera drawn to me like a magnet to… uh whatever magnets are drawn to? Is it cardboard?
Filmmaker Lisa: It's metal. And it's you walking into my shot.
Homer: I'm pretty sure both of those are wrong. Now, film me as I fight this pile of scales! You know I've broken every scale I've ever met.

Task: Make Filmmaker Lisa Set Up a Complicated Shot
Time: 12h
Location: Simpson House
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 4

Krusty starts

Death: You people are supposed to be believably fighting these monsters but your acting is horrible. You know what I'm seeing die? Art.
Krusty: Who cares? I don't do art. I do comedy – it's way easier and pays better.
Death: I've seen your show. There's not a lot of comedy. Even the canned laughter sounds unsure what it's playing for.
Death: How about trying to learn some stunt acting? Do it and I'll keep all your houseplants alive a week longer than planned.

Task: Make Krusty Take a Stunt Acting Class
Time: 12h
Location: MAG Office
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: I've been fighting all day and I'm still not a world famous superstar! I don't endorse a Japanese cologne or anything.
Ned: Maybe that's because you're chasing the camera instead of fighting?
Ned: How about joining us and helping the Hollywood monsters fight? Any religious person knows that supporting Hollywood is always the right choice!
Homer: Bart get his kite out of a tree.

Task: Make Homer Get Some New Headshots
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart
Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

Lost in La Monstra Pt. 6

Lisa starts

Filmmaker Lisa: I'm halfway through editing this and it's a disaster.
Filmmaker Lisa: Not even a monsters attacking people disaster, which I want, but a bland mush with no emotional core.
Filmmaker Lisa: I'm not giving up. With new footage it'll come together, or fall apart to the point I can tell people it's an art film and that they “just don't get it".

Task: Make Filmmaker Lisa Shoot Some Pick-ups
Time: 24h
Location: Simpson House

System Message: The story will continue in Act 2. Keep fighting monsters and trick-or-treating to get more prizes and level up your MAG membership!

1 Reply

  • Monster Candy

    After completing Mad Monsters: Furry Road Pt. 5
    Bart starts

    Bart: It's not fair. Lisa gets to film monsters attacking and Mom is making me trick or treat with a flashlight! When did I become Milhouse?
    Milhouse: You becoming me would be the greatest honor I could hope for. It's what I pray for in church when everyone else is sleeping.
    Bart: I'm going trick or treating... without Milhouse OR a flashlight.
    Milhouse: You said my name twice already! This is like me winning the lottery on my birthday and it's Christmas and I'm voted President of the World!
    Bart: Okay, that's it. From now on I only hang out with the flashlight.
    Task: Build Medieval Rich House
    Task: Make Bart Trick-or-Treat
    Time: 6s
    Location: Event Buildings
    Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

    How Much is That Werewolf in the Window?

    Lisa starts

    Filmmaker Lisa: What am I supposed to do with all these coins? Are they actually coming out of the evil monsters?
    Blinky Monster: Trust me, of all the things coming out of them, coins are the best.
    Bart: Is that a poop joke? Please say it was.
    Blinky Monster: I wish it was a poop joke. Travelling always makes me constipated.
    Blinky Monster: Anyway, this is a union gig so you need to budget some monster-appropriate accommodations. Without them, we'll stomp you. Or worse, file a grievance.
    Task: Place Medieval Construction Yard
    Task: Spend Obols on Monster Items
    Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP

    THOH Event Levels

    After unlocking Milhouse's Trick-or-Treat job
    Auto starts

    Blinky Monster: The Monster Actors Guild is now welcoming human members. You eat enough cars, you need a well-funded dental plan.
    Filmmaker Lisa: That's very reasonable of you.
    Blinky Monster: Yeah, whatevs. I’m generous like that, and still, people call me a monster. I may not feel bullets, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings, you know?

    Where the Wild Things Aren't

    After completing Lost in La Monstra Pt. 2
    Homer starts

    Task: Place 3 Cameras in Friends Towns
    Quest Reward: 40 Event Currency and 10 XP