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9 years ago

Treehouse of Horror 2015/XXVI ***WALKTHROUGH***

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 1

Auto starts

Homer: Are there too many neck veins on this severed head?
Marge: Agghhhhhh!
Bart And Lisa: Agghhhhhh!
Lisa: Oh, Dad's just doing his annual Halloween decorating.
Bart: Everscream Terrors! Every year we have the spookiest house on the block!
Marge: A jack-o-lantern vomiting its own seeds?! Homer, where do you get your ideas?
Homer: Other people.
Lisa: What if you put beer cans nearby, you know, like that's what made him throw up!
Homer: Lisa, let Daddy take care of the “ideas.”
Homer: You and Bart can make decorations. We need macaroni skeletons!
Homer: Lots of them.

Task: Make Lisa do Babyish Busy Work
If the user has Bart: Task: Make Bart do Babyish Busy Work
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson Home

On job start:

Lisa: It's so demeaning! Sending us off to make crafts just to get us out of the way.
Lisa: Still, it's kinda like homework which means I will crush it!
Bart: Awww, these fruit-leather tombstones are turning out so adorable!

On job end:

Bart: Halloween isn't about glitter-glue and pipe cleaners. It's about kids getting together, telling ghost stories and giving each other nightmares.
Bart: Also candy.
Lisa: That's a great idea! We'll gather a bunch of kids and tell ghost stories! Outside, around a campfire!
Bart: Oh. I meant vegging out on the couch and watching a bunch of kids do Halloween on TV.
Bart: But tell me more about this “outside.” It sounds fascinating.

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 2

Lisa starts

Bart: I've found lots of wood for our campfire.
Lisa: Wow, it looks really old. Where'd you find it?
Bart: There's a bunch of it by the water.
Bart: Looks like it used to be part of an old throne or underwater church or gateway to another dimension.
Bart: I ‘unno. Lotta stuff got ruined when dad blew up the town.
Lisa: It's covered with strange writing. I don't recognize it.
Bart: I couldn't read it either, but I just figured it was cursive.
Lisa: Maybe we shouldn't burn mysterious wood we know nothing about.
Bart: Should we cut down your precious trees?
Lisa: Well, they're not AS precious to me now that we get 'em free at Springfield Heights, but…
Lisa: It seems like a lot of sweaty work.
Lisa: Let's just pick up more old wood near the water.

If the user doesn't have a beach unlocked: Task: Place River
If the user doesn't have Bart: Task: Make Lisa Collect Mysterious Driftwood
If the user has Bart: Task: Make Lisa and Bart Collect Mysterious Driftwood
Time: 1m
Location: River or Beach
If the user has Bart: Requires: Bart

Lisa: This wood feels odd.
Lisa: Cold. Like dead hands.
Milhouse: Really? Mine feels hot and smells like brimstone.
Martin: Mine is pulsing like a beating heart and oozing blood.
Bart: Can we please stop describing things and just throw it on to the pile!

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 3

Lisa starts

Lisa: Bart, I think there is something evil about this firewood.
Bart: thinking about going vampire but
Bart: I think you're reading too much into this.
Lisa: I found this ancient-looking scroll near a big pile of this wood…
Lisa: Look at the drawing: A spiky-headed boy, in a red shirt reading from an ancient-looking scroll…
Lisa: …behind him, a giant tentacled demon rises…
Bart: And?
Lisa: It's you! Look what's in the ancient word-bubble…
Lisa: “K'waB'nga”
Bart: I don't say that.
Lisa: Below that it says, “Eet my C'thorts, man.”
Bart: More gobbledy-go_ok.
Lisa: And below that it says, “Im B'art Th'mpson hu the C'thell R U?”
Bart: Okay, I'll admit it's creepy. But we're building a Halloween campfire...
Bart: Creepy is exactly what we want!

Task: Build Spooky Campfire
Task: Reach Level 12 and Build Bart's Treehouse
Task: Make Bart Tell a Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire
Task: Make Youngsters Gather Around the Spooky Campfire
Time: 1m
Location: Spooky Campfire

Bart: Hoo-kay, for my spooky story I'd like to read off this scroll that Lisa's so scared of…
Lisa: No Bart, that's exactly what you shouldn't…
Bart: Ah-ah! Listen with your ears, not with your mouth.
Lisa: I hate when you use teacher-phrases.
Bart: Leagues beneath the inky deep, rests the evil and unpronounceable city of R'lyeh.
Bart: Therein lies the demon known as…
Bart: M'nthster!
Bart: Dead but dreaming.
Bart: Waiting for the stars to come right.
Bart: And for the chosen underachiever to speak the words…
Bart: And break the spell which binds him:
Bart: C'thulhu-doodle-dooooooo!
Lisa: Bart! Stop! You might actually call something forth!
Milhouse: And nobody wants that.
M'nthster: I do.
Bart and Milhouse: AGGGGGGHHHHH!
Bart: Bart! You fulfilled the prophecy and unleashed a malevolent entity!
Lisa: I'm telling
Bart: Wh-who are you?
M'nthster: I am called… M'nthster.
Bart: Muns-ther?
M'nthster: My name cannot be spoken by a human mouth.
M'nthster: You need to roll the “r” with your face-tentacles.
Lisa: Mons-terrr?
M'nthster: Can we move on? I don't wanna get hung up on this.
Lisa: What do you want?
M'nthster: I come to make mankind free and wild. To turn him away from law and morality.
M'nthster: I will teach the human new ways to scream and kill and revel in joy. Until all the earth is aflame in a holocaust of ecstasy.
M'nthster: That's the plan, anyway. But I'm also gonna occasionally wing it. I don't want to get too scheduled.

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 4

Bart starts

Bart: Well, it's been nice summoning ya but it's getting late so, you know…
Bart: Time to get back into the campfire.
M'nthster: I'm afraid it's not that easy.
M'nthster: Your campfire story about me created a portal, which I used to enter this dimension.
M'nthster: But that has since closed.
M'nthster: You'll need to tell another creepy tale to create a portal from which I can leave.
Bart: Deal!
Bart: Someone tell a ghost story. Something really creepy. We gotta scare tentacle-face back to wherever.
Martin: Ooh! I've prepared a story! I even rehearsed in a mirror!
Martin: I practically scared myself.
Bart: If I saw what you see in the mirror, I'd be scared too.

Task: Build the Springfield Library
Task: Make Martin Tell a Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire

Wizard Martin: A young woman visited her blind grandfather who had moved into a new apartment.
Wizard Martin: He complained bitterly.
Wizard Martin: “The nightclub next door keeps me up with music and laughter”
Wizard Martin: “And drunken shuffling, up and down the street, sometimes right by my door…”
Wizard Martin: “…Then, every night at 2:22 in the morning” ¦”
Wizard Martin: “…They start screaming…”
Wizard Martin: “…Every night, they scream, and then…”
Wizard Martin: “Silence.”
Wizard Martin: “And his grand-daughter said…”
Wizard Martin: “O. M. G. Grampa!”
Wizard Martin: “Right outside your window are the charred remains of a disco that burnt to the ground in, like, the 70's.”
Wizard Martin: “We didn't think you'd mind the crappy view, being blind and what-not…”
Wizard Martin: “…The fire that killed all those people…”
Wizard Martin: “…started at 2:22 AM!”
Bart: That's your story? Undead disco dancers?
Bart: Nelson?
Nelson: Already noogy-ing him.
System Message: Zombies are now spawning from the campfire!

Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 5

Bart starts

Bart: Well, Martin, M'nthy is still here. Your disco zombie story wasn't scary enough to open a portal.
M'nthster: That's not exactly true...
Milhouse: AGGH! Disco Zombies!
Bart: Huh. In person, they actually are pretty scary.
Nelson: Zombies are wusses. They squish so easily. See?
Lisa: That's not a Zombie you squished -- that's Ralph.
Lisa: He's just gets Zombie-ish when his blood sugar gets low.
Ralph: Brains. Brains! Or anything else to eat!
Lisa: Look, poor Ralph is hungry. And he doesn't want to eat the defenseless animals. Right, Ralph?
Bart: Maybe we should make S'mores first... and THEN squish zombies with extra sugar energy.
Lisa: I agree with the plan because…
Lisa: S'mores.

Task: Send Kids on S'mores Jobs to Spawn Zombies
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire
Task: Collect Event Currency to Unlock 1st Prize
Task: Tap Zombies
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 6

Lisa starts

Lisa: Obviously, M'nthster tricked us.
Lisa: He knew if we told another story we would call forth even more evil into the town.
M'nthster: Yeah, I feel bad about that. Tell another story and this time, I swear, I really will leave.
Milhouse: Okay! I've got a scary story!
Lisa: Milhouse, no! We can't trust him! He is a denizen of the underworld!
Lisa: Remember the fable of the Farmer and the Viper?
M'nthster: Hmmm, I don't know that one, how does that go?
Lisa: Oh, it's my favorite Aesop's fable! Briefly, it goes like this…

Task: Make Lisa Accidentally Tell A Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire

Saxophone Lisa: A farmer found a viper, coiled and frozen in the snow. The farmer took pity and tucked the poor creature into his coat.
Saxophone Lisa: As soon as the viper warmed, he gave the farmer a deadly bite. As the farmer lay dying, he said…
Saxophone Lisa: “'Tis mine own fault, for I knew twas a viper 'fore I took it to my bosom.”
System Message: Snakes are now spawning from the campfire!

Bart: What the hell kind of farmer talks like that?
M'nthster: Ooh! Lisa wins the scary story contest!
Martin: Oh, come on!
Lisa: Wait, I wasn't telling a scary story. I was making the point that if we interact with you -- you being an evil trickster -- we shouldn't be surprised when you...
Lisa: Oh, you tricked me didn't you?
Milhouse: Snakes! They just appeared out of nowhere!
Lisa: Of course they did.
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 7

Lisa starts

M'nthster: Lisa, I would like to introduce you to my spawn.
Lisa: I had no idea you had children!
M'nthster: Yes, I'm both father and mother to them.
Lisa: Oh! Did something happen to their mother?
M'nthster: No, that's just the way my kind reproduces. I mate with myself and--
Lisa: Okay, just keep that vague.
M'nthster: I was wondering if you would release my spawn into other Springfields.
Lisa: Of course. But I should warn you, I don't know if they're going to be safe there.
M'nthster: Oh well. R'lyehian parenting philosophy is “Children should not be seen nor heard.”
M'nthster: Whereas humans see children as an extension of themselves, we think of our offspring as “someone else's problem.”
Lisa: Do you ever think that maybe it's this kind of upbringing that makes you all demonic?
M'nthster: Nah, we're depraved from birth.
M'nthster: Anyhoo, have fun giving these to your friends.

Reward: 1 Formless Terror
Task: Send Formless Terrors to Other Springfields
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 8

Bart starts

Bart: I got more haunted driftwood to throw on the fire.
Milhouse: I don't think we need it.
Milhouse: Even though it's been burning for hours. The fire hasn't gotten even a little bit smaller.
Bart: I know, it's kind of disturbing.
Bart: But a little more cursed firewood and it will be disturbing and BIG.

Task: Upgrade the Spooky Campfire

Lisa: Bart! You made the campfire bigger!
Lisa: Don't you realize that the more powerful the campfire, the more monsters it will create?
Lisa: I'm starting to think you like all the chaos and destruction being released into our town.
Bart: That can't be a surprise to you.
Lisa: Yeah, I realized as I was saying it.
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 9

Milhouse starts

Milhouse: Okay, the fire is looking big and evil.
Milhouse: Now it's my turn to tell a scary story.

Task: Make Milhouse Tell a Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire

Lisa: Milhouse, are you crazy? You know what's going to happen if you tell a monster story.
Radioactive Milhouse: I wasn't going to tell a monster story.
Radioactive Milhouse: I was gonna tell about the time my mom took me to take pictures with the Easter Bunny at the mall and it really creeped me out.
Bart: That's not a scary story! It's a story about being scared!
Nelson: You're scared of a bunny?
Radioactive Milhouse: Not real bunnies. It was a costume, his eyes were just holes in a giant head. I could see the guy inside. He was chewing gum!
Radioactive Milhouse: He told my mom that he liked her shoes and she was wearing Tevas – it was creepy!
System Message: Bunnies are now spawning from the campfire!

Ralph: Look! Bunny rabbits!
Milhouse: Run!
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 10

Bart starts

Bart: Wow Milhouse, that really sucked.
M'nthster: I have to agree.
M'nthster: I have been alive for eons and that was the lamest thing I've ever heard.
Nelson: I would wedgie you but I don't think it would do any good.
Milhouse: Okay, I admit it: I'm ashamed of my cowardice.
Milhouse: But shame-shaming me is wrong! Right, Lisa?
Lisa: I dunno, Milhouse, you ran away from bunnies!

Task: Make Milhouse Hide in Shame
Time: 4h
Location: Van Houten House
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 11

Bart starts

M'nthster: Ha-ha! Human boys are so inept!
Bart: Whoa! Don't judge all of us by Milhouse! I'm America's favorite bad boy, man!
M'nthster: Sorry, where I come from it takes more than riding around on a skateboard and ending sentences with “man” to be considered…
M'nthster: “Bad.”
Bart: Listen, you and I are a lot alike. Between you and me, I LIKE that you tricked us into conjuring up ghoulies.
M'nthster: What? Get out of here!
Bart: I've been known to get into some trickery myself. Check this out!

Task: Make Bart Place a Prank Call
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire

Moe: Moe's Tavern here.
Bart: Uh, yes, I'm looking for someone, last name Tinkle, first name Ivana…
Moe: Listen up, everybody, Ivana Tinkle!
Barney: Just go already!
M'nthster: Actually, I gave you the wrong last name. It should be Kill-your-family-and-eat-their-souls.
Moe: Correction guys! Ivana Kill-your-family-and-eat-their-souls.
Barney: Run everyone! Moe's finally lost it!
M'nthster: That was great! It wasn't too dark was it?
Bart: Naw. It was dark, but not as dark as what that baby from Family Guy said.
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 12

Bart starts

Bart: Okay, I have another story.
Lisa: C'mon, why do I have to keep reminding you what happens when we tell stories.
Bart: I know what happens. And I want it to happen. M'nthster and I are friends.
M'nthster: He's my brother from another Mother-Father.

Task: Make Bart Tell a Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire

Clockwork Bart: A vain young man was traveling on a train. Suddenly, he heard shouts coming from the front of the train.
Clockwork Bart: Part of the bridge ahead had fallen away. Everyone onboard was doomed.
Clockwork Bart: The man in the chair across from him calmly informed the boy that he was a genie and could grant him three wishes.
Clockwork Bart: But he only had seconds to make them...
Clockwork Bart: The boy quickly replied, “I wish I could get rid of those last ten pounds..."
Clockwork Bart: The genie said, “What about all the other passengers on this train.”
Clockwork Bart: The boy said, “Fine, they can be skinny too! And I never want to age!”
Clockwork Bart: And the train plummeted into the ravine.
Clockwork Bart: The fire burned the flesh off all the passengers. Car after car of skeletons. The young man's skeleton was put in a museum and labeled, “Young Man from Train Accident.”
Clockwork Bart: Everyone who looked at it came away with the feeling that he was probably an incredible jerk. The end.
System Message: Skeletons are now spawning from the campfire!

Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Call of the Campfire Pt. 13

Bart starts

M'nthster: Excellent story! High five!
Bart: Really? I wasn't sure. I was thinking about going vampire but…
M'nthster: Stop that! It was perfect.
Lisa: I get why Bart would want to be friends with an all-powerful force of evil.
Lisa: But why would an Elder-god want to hang out with a 10-year-old boy. Aren't you more mature than that?
M'nthsterM'nthster: Bart is plenty mature. When I won our “longest loogie off the overpass” contest, he was all class.
Bart: Respect, man, that thing was long.

Task: Make Bart Plan His Next Prank With M'nthster
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire
Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores

The Unspeakable

Homer starts

Homer: Oooh, what's this? Little tiny drinks of alcohol?
Marge: They're Jello-shots. And you can't drink them now -- you have to wait until they've Jello-ed.
Homer: I love the idea of combining drunkenness with dessert.
Homer: But I hate waiting.
Marge: It'll give me time to change.
Marge: I have to… shave.
Homer: But your costume is a cat. Wouldn't any fur just add to the illusion?
Marge: Trust me, you'll like this better.

Task: Make Homer Wait Impatiently
Time: 8h
Location: Simpson Home

Marge: Meow, Homie!
Homer: Purrrrrrr!
System Message: Continue the story in Act 2!

Reward: 100 money 100 S'mores