Forum Discussion

cinthiafer260's avatar
6 years ago

Trees Galore!

Finally got all the land thats available to the right of the beach. I've been expanding my current designs and realize I have a lot of extra space! I'm finally able to place as many trees down to make my town look green again!
  • I prefer a green town too. Unfortunately i can see I'll never be able to put down as many trees as I'd like. I'm at the limit and still adding new land. It would be nice if our limit increased automatically with each new land square added.
  • I have a fair bit of empty land so I decided to put filler spots in, and trees are one of my favourite items, even when burning.
  • I'm still redesigning since I blew up my town a few years back the day before the original Monorail event! I'm close to maxed out as well and I'm now working without soft landscaping. Bummer!