Forum Discussion

uglyduck1ing's avatar
10 years ago

Vacation sign

Nuke your town and then just write the date you'll return in little bushes in your landing zone. It's what everyone does.
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Do not nuke your town. Write "vacation" in shrubs, pylons, or something else in your landing zone.
  • barryriddl474 wrote:
    Do not nuke your town. Write "vacation" in shrubs, pylons, or something else in your landing zone.

    Or that. I guess that works too.
  • I still don't know why we just can't pick something and say if it's next to whatever or three in a row we know you're on vacation, would be quicker. maybe like 5 traffic cones in Simpsons front yard or something like that.