Forum Discussion

naarabi's avatar
New Rookie
5 months ago

Is the new "Lame Speed not a Bundle" a sign??

cg just dropped the ki adi mundi bundle, featuring only one unit without his zeta, idk why its called a bundle

im not buying because hes going to be another lsb guy sitting on my roster zetaless

anyway the reason why this pack got my attention is because it feels like a pattern that a saw before on other dying gachas, the first lsb came to help new players to close the gap power, now im feeling the game will end faster than we tought... the store is closing and they are selling anything

any of u guys feel like this??

6 Replies

  • GRANDOLAKEV's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    5 months ago

    Nope. Just you so far. KAM got a pack on his own as he is still supposed to be one of the most exclusive characters in the game. But with his unlock requiring a less optimal Territory Battle or a huge amount of currency the Devs listened to many people's requests and made him available a different way. 

    I have him already so it doesn't help me, but Thanks on behalf of all the people who didn't want to spend 7 months doing Geo TB to unlock him, or spend all their ROTE currency on him.

  • Yh completely disagree here. 

    KAM is one of the hardest toons to get as you need to play LS Geo TB which many guilds don't do as ROTE has better rewards.

    Then you need all 50 members to have a team at high gear to beat the mission and the mission is not easy so your not gonna get 50 shards easily.

    Then TB is every 2 weeks so 50 shards every 2 weeks makes KAM very hard to unlock and get at 7*s

    Then KAM is needed for the raid, a Qui gon team in GAC and a Beq team in TW and platoons and CMs in ROTE.

    So yh £/$ 20 is justified for one character that is very hard to get



  • In my opinion it’s the best one so far. SLKR takes 6 month of solo farming. KAM takes 7 months to 2 years and reliant on guild performance. You are only able to earn 1 shard a month, or purchase 20-30 through Mk3 a month.