Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
9 years ago

Voice control for Town Census

Or just a search box in the Town Hall menu.
  • Brabsel wrote:
    zombieleela1 wrote:
    Or just a search box in the Town Hall menu.

    I think that's what he meant by saying "character finder".

    Oh, you're right. I DID mean the Town Census...
  • a seach/filter box is more likely to happen and the better solution. I use the dump to busy the railyard involved characters while I send all with the JM. I don't keep the dump topped off since it only takes a few minutes to do so to send them all on their recycle tasks. And so it is always available to put them on task so they don't get sent on another task.
  • Of course there are even simpler solutions. Like... Let us manually rearrange our characters in the Character Finder or let us easily cancel any character's task without tracking down and storing their building...
  • wadebear wrote:
    Of course there are even simpler solutions. Like... Let us manually rearrange our characters in the Character Finder or let us easily cancel any character's task without tracking down and storing their building...

    I don't understand why you would want to manually change your characters order.
    Surely alphabetical order is the simplest way to find who you need?
  • wadebear wrote:
    Of course there are even simpler solutions. Like... Let us manually rearrange our characters in the Character Finder or let us easily cancel any character's task without tracking down and storing their building...

    Being a developer myself, between the two methods voice command and a text box for the user to type in to filter the list. The difference in amount of work is extremely dramatic. The text box is likely only to be a few lines of code and one developer could have it done in a blink of an eye. Voice command on the other hand would have to deal with accents, mispronounced names, background noise. Just look at the voice activated features android and iOS have now. Myself and everyone I know want to bang our heads against the wall with how bad they are at voice recognition failures and background noise interference with. I'm not saying don't dream of a future with it but practical reality is highly unlikely they would even consider voice command.
  • Supposedly they ARE going to make a new voice activated tool, where you just open your game, say "DO IT" and it collects all your money (except the houses you wish to save for neighbors), and restarts all your characters on tasks.

    Yep. :P

  • mwdalton's avatar
    New Spectator
    I agree that a search box in the Town Hall would be more realistic.