Forum Discussion

Hugemember1's avatar
10 years ago

Weird donut disappearance

That is no good at all. Have you tried logging out and back on? Sometimes that seems to fix wonky issues like this. Hopefully this isn't another widespread donut glitch like the one that was occurring when SH was released.

I hope you get your donut back and that this does not happen again to you (or happen to anyone else, for that matter).
  • In a joke thread before the event started we were discussing future possible glitches. JohnColombo said:
    johncolombo wrote:
    Friends points come back but subtract points rather than add them, old friends points prizes slowly start to vanish as the counter moves backwards.

    Sadly it appears he may have been very close to the truth with what you are experiencing. I would call EA. Also screenshot your game so you have proof of the donuts too. You most likely won't need the screenshot but better to be on the safe side.
  • MrPMPisBeefy wrote:
    In a joke thread before the event started we were discussing future possible glitches. JohnColombo said:
    johncolombo wrote:
    Friends points come back but subtract points rather than add them, old friends points prizes slowly start to vanish as the counter moves backwards.

    Sadly it appears he may have been very close to the truth with what you are experiencing. I would call EA. Also screenshot your game so you have proof of the donuts too. You most likely won't need the screenshot but better to be on the safe side.

    Sorry you lost your donut but I'm honored someone remembered my post.
  • Thanks for the responses.

    I did try to hard close the game/restart.

    I also definitely have the confirm option on.

    This happened when I returned from visiting friends, so I dont think I accidentally sped something up.

    Not the end of the world though
  • Looks like it happened again another 2 donuts gone.....maybe I will contact EA on this one....

    Anyone know how to do this?

    Many thanks
  • Hugemember1 wrote:
    Looks like it happened again another 2 donuts gone.....maybe I will contact EA on this one....

    Anyone know how to do this?

    Many thanks

    someone else might be able to give you that info.

    for a one time loss of 1 donut i don't think your time and hassle would be worth it but if it is happening more that once i would want to get it checked out.
  • Hugemember1 wrote:
    Looks like it happened again another 2 donuts gone.....maybe I will contact EA on this one....

    Anyone know how to do this?

    Many thanks

    If you need to contact EA at any point here is the link:

    There is also a link on the bottom of the screen, on the forum not the game. It's under "Help" - click "Customer Support" - it is the exact same as the link I have provided, but I thought this may be handy for people to know if they need the link in the future.

    If a call back option is available, and you are at home, use that - I find that most people get the best results using that method. If you don't have that option, are not at home or don't wish to wait for a call back, select live chat.

    I have not had great results with the email option so I wouldn't personally recommend that option.
  • DrTardis11 wrote:
    Anyone else on a donut dry spell while visiting neighbor's? I've visited neighbors the past 3 days and no donuts. My neighbor list and FP prizes are maxed out.

    In my A-Town, 3 donuts dropped. Very unusual. None in my B-Town.