Forum Discussion

ldavidgr68's avatar
7 years ago

Weird Glitch

So.. this happened during all this event, but just now I want to share it because just now is bothering me. Ever since I built the Springfield Tower I have an exact copy in the backyard of one of my houses.

Before any questions, no, this is not the normal glitch where your trees magically look like anything else (Moe, parts of houses or Fatovs), it is always located in the same place, if you log out and log in it's still there and even if it's not supposed to be there and there are fences and trees behind it, you can't place anything under it (not even move it), I don't know if I'm being able to explain the glitch, but it's really weird.
  • "ldavidgr68;d-220408" wrote:
    So.. this happened during all this event, but just now I want to share it because just now is bothering me. Ever since I built the Springfield Tower I have an exact copy in the backyard of one of my houses.

    Before any questions, no, this is not the normal glitch where your trees magically look like anything else (Moe, parts of houses or Fatovs), it is always located in the same place, if you log out and log in it's still there and even if it's not supposed to be there and there are fences and trees behind it, you can't place anything under it (not even move it), I don't know if I'm being able to explain the glitch, but it's really weird.

    There have been a couple of other posts on this glitch. There is no known fix at present. Hopefully it goes away after the event takedown.

  • The Simpson’s have a replica Tower of Springfield in their backyard. Yes, I’ll admit, I stupidly thought that it would go away with the take-down update at the end of event. ....guess not. I have to’s kinda cool...kinda hoping it will stick around! :D
  • "Muhsterino;c-1946321" wrote:
    Are you able to store it after the takedown?

    Right. I don’t think anyone really thought it was going to just go away (although my poorly articulated response above might easily lead one to think otherwise). The presumption was that after the takedown, one would be able to store the duplicate.

  • weird thing. In the morning I had bought the new premium items (character+building and Chez Guevara). I went to work and in the night the castle was not there (at last!) but neither the new premium items, which i had to buy again (no, I never recovered those donuts)
  • "audiomixdon;c-1946788" wrote:
    I found a glitch...when my collect junk is full, if I click on the persons FULL icon(accidentally), it throws up the screen that used to say “you have too much junk” with an ok button. Now that buttons is missing so you have to restart to get out of it...

    Yep- Hit that today on accident too. Stupid- give me back the button!