Forum Discussion

johnbethel's avatar
7 years ago

What’s the point?

What’s the point of making us blow up Krustyland, then give us loads more land but not massively increase the item limit?

Been playing 6 years now, and I like to design out my areas for each event but the last couple I haven’t been able to. My new Krustyland is half finished.

Now the Moe’s Ark event starts, I get even more land and can’t place the Emu thing because i’ve exceeded the item count!

I’ve put a serious amount of manhours into designing my town the way I want, so i’ve No desire to start storing stuff and selling stuff to “make room” for new event items.

Can see me have to sit this one out for literally the first time ever.

  • "KrustyBrand;c-1971901" wrote:

    no, fake news :)

  • Yeah..... guess it was.....just totally ruined the game for me.....and I love this game
  • Yeah.... but I don’t want to.... especially as I now have all this extra land..... surely there is a balance somewhere..... we used to never have enough land and too many things..... now I have loads of land and not allowed to populate it!
  • "chrisdirai146;c-1971906" wrote:
    PUT SOME $#!* AWAY!

    It solve the problem everytime. I swear.

    :D :D :D