Forum Discussion

L_B_123XD's avatar
12 years ago

What happened to the regulars?

A lot of the regulars are still here, just posting a lot less. There is another forum and they are splitting their time between the two.

It is currently unclear if H1 or Simpsons00001 will ever come back. Both were banned, not permanently, but with no warning.

It will be a loss if it is so....
  • L_B_123XD wrote:
    Everyone is having a go at LeFreeze when English is classed as the hardest language to learn in the world

    That can't be. I learned it, for God's sake.
  • shaygitz wrote:
    L_B_123XD wrote:
    Everyone is having a go at LeFreeze when English is classed as the hardest language to learn in the world

    That can't be. I learned it, for God's sake.

    I know I shouldn't bump this thread. I agree with several other posters who've said that hassling someone for their language skills, especially when it's the person's second language, is low, even if that poster can be rather abrasive.

    But what I really wanted to say is +1 to shaygitz. I've never heard anyone claim that English is the hardest language to learn (until I read this thread, that is). On this list of top 10 most difficult languages to learn, English is nowhere to be found:

    That said, I still disagree with picking on a poster's mastery of the English language.
  • For Cripesakes, IT'S NOT HIS BELOW STANDARD ENGLISH-SPEAKING SKILLS THAT ARE THE ISSUE!!! The issue is that he uses them to demean and belittle other posters. There are lots of posters here who don't use English as their primary language.... They also aren't completely outspoken jerks either! LeFreeze stands alone isn this regard.... THAT is why I take umbrage. He calls other people morons, but his posts read like they were written by a moron... It matters very little (if at all) if it's because of a language barrier.
  • mietze81937 wrote:
    Please everyone, just overread what Le Freeze posted as I do it with all of his mean and not well thought through posts. There is no such thing as a regulars forum or a division in any form. Everyone is very welcome on this board and also on the other!
    Thanks for reading and happy tapping :mrgreen:

    All he said was there was a better place.

    And part of what is wrong here.
  • LeFreeze wrote:
    Koda1021 wrote:
    MayorMcCheez wrote:
    LeFreeze, your non-sensical posts serve only 2 purposes: To further alienate yourself and to drive the threads you find annoying right back to the top of the board. Great job on both counts!

    And since you make so much money, why not invest in a copy of Rosetta Stone? I hear it does wonders.

    Another question: If the other board is so much better, why post here? Oh that's right, it's because you are a troll to the Nth degree and always have been. You can always spot the trolls because they don't care about etiquette or courtesy or being personable and usually defend themselves with the line "I don't care what anyone else thinks about me".

    Why should he invest in Rosetta Stone? If he speaks perfectly in his fluent tongue? I might need it to speak Portugese, but my job doesn't require it. Hence, I earn a good living with my native tongue, English.

    Ty koda, its like i think, but i cant understand onte thing: people complains a lot about my english, and dont have a courage to talks to me in portuguese ( w/out google translator )?

    becuase suas m?es eram prostitutas e eles receberam no ?tero dano cerebral?
  • melodyhodge wrote:
    Coming down on people for their lack of grasping the English language sucks IMO. I live in England, study English at uni and I still get stuff wrong sometimes. In fact, the fact that English is his second language and he can still manage to get his point across shows intelligence on his behalf. My second language is French and I could not express my point as well as LeFreeze.

    It's not his 2nd. Or even 3rd.